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  • Few dwarves made an actual profit on forging though. Reincarnation + trans forging + hammer = 700cr as I recall, and that's not including the thousands of wasted comms. I made that investment for the RP and fun, but it would have taken me ages to tr…
  • I'm never around long to enough to really RP with folks sadly, but Aloli is always a delight in passing and you're a very helpful player too. in Aloli Comment by Oofa March 2018
  • Can you explain what other worms are in that can? I'm not understanding the pandora's box caused by players putting artifact_pack on purses! Paying an additional 100cr for customization and another 25cr to transfer the power feels like a pink tax. (…
  • (Quote) I'm not really trying to pay an additional 100cr for customization on top of artifact_pack and pack_expand, but it is definitely an option!
  • Idea #1045 Section: unassigned Support: 0
    2018/03/21 22:19:32: It sure would be neat and woman-friendly if purses could have
    the artifact_pack power, Marry Poppins style! (I also wouldn't complain if that meant
    moneybags could al…
  • I have no thoughts because we haven't RPed in a solid 8? 9? years and we're all so old now, but you were a dope infernals GM and I'm glad you're still around!
    in Lexen Comment by Oofa March 2018
  • @Kalak you are always side-stepping the fact that it is IMPOSSIBLE for the spy to be found out unless the player makes a conscious decision to reveal themselves, e.g.…
  • Can 'artifact_pack' be used on purses/pouches? Can 'moneypouch' be added to packs? Is there a way to buy things on the artifact cart as powers, instead of items, so I don't have to pay 25cr to put them on crafted items? Thanks!

    No, this p…
  • (Quote)
    There's probably an in between to what y'all are saying :lol: The idea of an affordable artifac…
  • I haven't seriously played in Aetolia in years, and only came back earlier this week. My class skills are virt/virt/inept, I only have maybe 4 or 5 aliases, and I'm relying on firstaid for curing. I'm having a blast in the few PVP events I've jumped…
  • The Nexus one is A+, but I would not call the in-game map display a mapper if that distinction is important to the individual player. I like to use a mapper so Mudlet is the only choice for me personally! I add in special exits, make n…
  • Geyser is definitely fussy. The game maps are 100% adequate visually, I was just curious why the choice. Keep it up! :heart:
  • Can I ask why you don't use the Mudlet mapper? It scales really nice and automatically.

    Great progress by the way! I really love the hotkeys at the bottom.

    in Valkyrior system (Mudlet) Comment by Oofa February 2018
  • Howdy! I started Aetolia right after launch and played for a few years, took off for a few years, came back, rinse, repeat, and just started up again last week. I encourage you to do the same!

    As far as PVE goes, there's also fishing now.…
  • (Quote) Thanks so much for clarifying @Kyna. I'll wait patiently for the updated map files to roll out. in Short Questions Comment by Oofa February 2018
  • Is there a reason Jaru isn't working with the Mudlet mapper? I have the most current map downloaded, the script is up-to-date, and I even checked at www.aetolia.com/maps to make sure Jaru didn't become an unmapped area. It's #60, all rooms accounted…