I'll be honest, @Reux, I haven't looked much into the nano. I also don't personally use freesync, but I hear it is comparable. Trouble with freesync, and also gsync, f…
@Jensen maybe consider one of the upper tier i5's instead of an i7. At this point, most games aren't going to be making any use of the extras that the i7's have, so …
There's plenty of reasons to go with a PC over an xboxone. To begin with, your mid-to-high range pc's will drastically outstrip the performance of either of the major consoles if you get the right components. That performance does come with a premiu…
Honestly, as long as you have a clean, dry space to work on (a table or desk), it's pretty simple to assemble a PC from parts. If you don't care for windows, you could always give ubuntu a shot, that's completely free. Hit up /r/buildapc o…
This is something our generation really fails at. A lot of people went to the polls the first or second time with Obama and voted for him and expected things to just be...different, you know? The Southpark episode that happened the night of the elec…