I had taken a long vacation from the game last year. A lot in my life changed rapidly. I started working a new job, started a new relationship and then started the new journey of being a mom. My greatest accomplishment is how absolutely adorable my …
Going down into azdun before it became siha dylis and making all the goblins aggro me and getting them into one room and then one hitting them one after another with combos.
I've been keeping to myself a lot. But my waistline has been staying at a steady 36 inches. Which is about where I was just before I stopped my workout challenge so I've been maintaining that pretty well. I also noted that wh…
I haven't gained and I haven't lost, and my legs are maintaining a decent tone, so I'm not entirely unhappy with where I am. But I have goals - perhaps too many. I always overdo my expectations.
Though it's only a few days since my last post, I've been a bit more proactive despite being sick. I haven't really exercised exercised though. Hard to do that when you can't breathe. But I did go and pick-up some cucumbers and cauliflower (Ha! Did…
I still haven't found my tape measure I'm really good at hiding stuff from myself then finding it when in looking for a different thing I lost. So I have no idea what my inches are but my pants are fitting snugger so that's pretty…
@Mariena I drink a lot of sweet tea, unfortunately, being in the south. I was raised on the stuff. So if I have the option of that or water.. I usually always choos…
So as soon as I recommitted I didn't realize I was going to spend three days with my aunts. Aunts who all love to cook, and cook well, but the food definitely wasn't low carb or low fat.
Well.. it wasn't ever really my intention to use it for the purpose of circumventing. Which is why I asked if it'd be better if I clipped pieces into "Read" instead. But that's good to know.
Going off of @Kodaza 's question. If say, we have one of our objects being a 'book' (I was thinking of the Revelation), would I need to pick out various sections of …
I just wanted to come and say that I am still, as always, enraptured by your writing through your roleplay. It is so expressive and enjoyable to read. It is hard not to feel like you'd deserve a better partner, someone who is 'on your level'. <…
I've been doing a fitness challenge alongside my friend (who is doing something different, but for the same time length of 6 weeks). I've really tried to be dedicated to it, I'm Midway through my second week.