I would say post the sources and call it out. If there isn't evidence then it is just hearsay. I know with the amount of sneezes I get its not IC complaining about me especially after Nipsy does something...unfortunately its something…
Yay, I will be there moderating chat and posting memes! JOIN US, I bet some excited people will be on to share some thoughts on the events!! NO SPOILERS. SEE YOU THERE!
Nipsy has such a weird relationship with Iesid, but the tree also respects him so much. As a player we have been friends and enemies, and I always enjoy our interactions with one another. We have gotten into t…
Playing an antagonist is something I know a few things about, also playing a Duirani is something I know about (RIP Oonagh and Scoutmistress Aarbrok and her big bazongas).
Duiran has arguably some of the -best- lore in the game, the natur…
@Ayastia you're good, I understand your frustrations OOC, but in the same vein like...its just a game. Your IRL is WAY more important and ensuring your kids are sa…
When a character who is historically unhinged is continuously insulted, goaded and threatened in shouts, the expectation that they should agree to fight on some code of honor term is a bit silly.
I recently took on some aides to show them how the Research ministry operates then realized the majority of training is OOC showing how to pull the various logs account for the periods and then calculations.
I just need an outlet to vent, because frankly the past few weeks have been incredibly frustrating, emotional, and overall riddled with anxiety and sadness.
On April 14th, I started to feel sick, like -sick SICK- and of c…
As a GM who has faced this, I will say outright, you need to consider things and how it effects the health of your organization. Even recently I push push push on things my character desired to do, from an RP standpoint it makes sense for Nipsy…