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  • I believe in hard lines drawn in the sand regarding PvP and think those lines shouldn’t be allowed to be smudged. I know some think that those lines aren’t being smudged, but I do.

    This might be unpopular, but justifying behaviour that ne…
  • I'm kind of confused here. We've all watched anywhere from 3-6 people routinely gangbang Whirran at literally any time of the day for nothing more than "It's my RP" - even just trying to hold sermons. Are you really posting about this?
  • I'm going to assume you are actively trying to be petty or vindictive, and that your roleplay is in good faith, otherwise I'm just like everyone else already assuming that the other side is only acting in a way to grief or cause issue.

  • Listen man, I get what you're saying. It reads as if you have a very RPI outlook on the game, and I think various attributes of those kind of MUDs are unique and should be better incorporated into the Roleplay-Enforced game we play now.

  • I feel like you're trying to justify actions in a 'spirit of the law' vs 'letter of the law' - when in reality I personally think you're overstepping in both regards. 'But it's my RP' is such a tired excuse for killmongering that people have tried t…
  • Feels like, while the game is doing better than it has in a long, long time, people are getting meaner and nastier and crueler at the same time. Every action a character makes is immediately taken in the worst possible light, with zero digging eithe…
  • Allow ally_follow to work in arena events. 
  • I think my peeve of the week would probably be PK fishing with traps, rites, glyphs. Putting up deterrents in well travelled areas and slapping together a fat enemy list that inevitably bonks someone you didn't actually intend to PK fish from is a t…
  • There are no more 'safe' places. You can be reached by anyone, at anytime - no guards, no extended grace.
  • What are the chances of us getting a breakdown of troops lost, kills/deaths per tether, etc for the duration of the war?
  • Honestly, while I wouldn’t mind hearing Almol’s opinion on it all, nothing is going to change the fact that trying to push OBVIOUS misinformation and blowing facts way out of proportion to get something nerfed is the definition of trashy in my book.…
  • If you're actually claiming someone died sub 5s against Archivist you're either taking the piss or horrifically misinformed. Maybe you should post your timestamps? Might help to clear it up.

    Edit: Especially since the guy that faced off w…
  • That's probably the most ignorant hot-take I've seen here so far - congratulations! When you have consistent, strong fighters lasting five, ten - sometimes twenty minutes against this player, anyone dying sub ten to twenty seconds is nothing more th…
  • An absolute amazing stance, without a doubt. This does two things that I hope get realized:

    1) There's no chance at bias claim here. What happens is completely at the hands of the players.

    2) This is a really, really good remin…
  • (Quote) For the last time, I didn’t know she was related to you. I said I was sorry!
  • (Quote) I feel this in my bones man. I logged on for the first time in, man, I want to say almost a year - where I actually walked around, didn't log in/rm/rn/qq - and I had no idea that while I was walking around the Ithmias on my phone I would b…
  • (Quote) This reads like a, ‘your RP doesn’t trump my mechanics’ kind of comment. I could be wrong, but if I’m not, I’ve been gone for too damn long. 
  • Duamvi was always the Spirit equivalent to Undeath, not to Vampirism. I imagine that will be the case with the Praenomen mirror, and they’ll create another sub-race. 
  • I can’t express how much I enjoyed reading all of this with my morning coffee. Absolutely gold. Never change. 
  • Are you being punished for playing Sciomancer, or has everyone that was fighting against Sciomancer -ceased- being punished?
  • Absolutely fantastic news, and welcome back to Aetolia!
  • The fact that Aeryx had to defend his choice to put the majority of his focus into accumulating wealth in preparation for this auction is fucking stupid. If you didn’t focus on making money, or doing your milestones, and instead chose to invest your…
  • That was really enjoyable to listen to! Well done. 
  • I can’t believe I missed the 8-12 month anniversary from the last time this asinine topic was discussed. O h well, maybe next year. 
  • Some of you were bullied in high school, and it bloody shows. 
  • Kind of seems like everyone is on the same page here. Pursue that darker, more confronting roleplay if you're interested in exploring it, stay away from it if you don't. Above all, make your desire to not be involved is made clear if that's the case…
  • People seem to think that the best answer right now is to create a mortal story-teller position for players to use, but that seems like a pretty average fix for the general problem. No one wants to ask the real question:

  • Since it was deleted due to being irrelevant to the other thread, I'll post this again here in an attempt to keep it relevant to the topic at hand, and remove any names to stay within the new rule we got today.

    I wish what happened in the…
  • The addition of locations since Apothecary was released doesn't change the fact that it still requires far more involvement and activity in terms of product created than Herbalism does re:pills - with profit swinging firmly in favor of the Herbalist…