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  • @Keroc are you ever going to stop messing with the WHO format?

    Also unsure if this is the right place or not, with WHO its now blank for places with…
  • it uses the downloadable .xml you can download it from settings / mapper. PM/msg me if you use that and i'll dig it out for you tomorrow, but it's basically the mudlet mapper.
  • I have code for Mudlet to do such a thing if using the ingame map. But if using the Mudbot/Imap you cant.

    It should show who like this if you have the Vnum

    Name - roomname - vnum (area)
  • @Teani I'm unsure if she's trying to be a troll..

    But last year You could bash Xaanhal around the 85thish circle but with trans minis etc because of Affini…
  • (Quote) I have the racial passive and it is a HUGE annoyance where I have to feed on an Xorani instead of offering it. Granted blood drain while in combat is fine but having the drain while bashing is kind of annoying. Sinc eif it drops below x am…
  • @Satomi Xaanahl is a high level area and I think Kagami is being the troll as only class that can really bash xaanhal at level 80 is Teradrim and old Prae.
  • it's an inconvenience, Since I like to OFFER my corpses and not feed on them all.

    Also I can bash quicker, faster, do more damage and take less damage using DECAY which is an EQ skill in Indo than I can in Prae when I'm balance enhanceme…
  • yes? That's how I keep it at 100% .. @Trager
  • (Quote) IF you keep 100% blood it's just like any other class.. you drop pass 100% blood and then it gets much worst! I never let my blood go past 90% so unsure how worst it gets but I once got 4k hit in Xaanhal with low blood and that was a COLD …
  • Cold | 31% 26% 0% 49% Experience Bonus | 0%

    In xaanhal I got hit for just close to 2k damage by cold then I was hit by 4k damage by cold.. Still unsure as to why that happened.. since I had insulation up both times.
  • @Talfinel You need to wield a buckler/scalemail for better cutting/blunt including the class skills eg fortify etc.

    and for electric etc you need resist…
  • I do have two questions about the new class:

    1) Are Praenomen (mainly the Bloodborn people) going to get a free reincarnation? As some are balance based for the great bashing it had and Praenomen if it's like the old needs to be eq based …
  • (Quote) I know a few of them liaisons have complained about the damage monks do and learning to parry is DUMB when one of them can just autobash you even if you parry.
  • @Keroc / @Admin

    Would it be possible to get WATERBREATHING and INSULATI…
  • @Zsadist I only really get that on login and thats just the gmcp.Char.Vitals, nothing else and no other times.

    I did notice by what people tell me that …
  • Can we please get back onto ' Let's Kill Abhorash? ' instead of why Riluo thinks he's hard done by?

  • (Quote) It's fine to use ABH / Admin when players are abusing the ELDER role as Houses have no control over punishing them in any way possible as ELDER is not a right but a privilege set and controlled by Admin.

    Also using 'swear' words…
  • I've done 3 daily quests so far ^ I didn't know that gave 1000.
  • Is fishing for the 10k faction suppose to be SOOOOOOOOOO much time consuming?

    Been fishing for about 2 ooc days straight and only at around 7k.. plus 3 ooc days on and off before someone pointed me to the factions to go above adept.
  • Thanks! I just thought to ask

    Also, how do you check the world records? I keep getting NEW WORLD RECORDS but can't find how to see what other world records are around. Or, Can we get that function if not already?
    in Fishing Comment by Nalor October 2015
  • @Rashar normally Val revives Aishia mid fight. It is a semi problem since VAMPIRES have to die and earthmeld that way to come back. But undead/living can be revived…
  • @riluo its not a bug no, Look at the reports someone put in a report to change that.
  • Any chance to making gmcp.Room.Infp.details say what type of hole it is? Then it'll save using fishing discern in every hole to make sure it's the right one.

    People have said it'll be same hole per area but, For them which are not it'll …
    in Fishing Comment by Nalor October 2015
  • @Whoever

    Any chance of getting the different fishing hole types adding like darkness/light etc in the gmcp.Room.Info.details to show like "Shallow", "mud…
  • When it comes to Golem intertwine, Does the game have a skill to remove it? As each time I try and use it to replace my current one, I keep getting

    The golem's paint has already been intertwined with gold ink!
  • (Quote) It's more asking to alter fluidcache so you can FULL them to maximum @Anfini
  • (Quote) Or change it that we can milk/fill upto the max but not go over. Instead of stopping 50 before the fluidcache is filled.

    @Serrice you can do th…
  • @riluo from what I remember it used to make all the text white. It's why color-coding "You are afflicted by .. " used to be bad when in the lightwall effects. Now a …
  • @Reux cos I have a few 1450 venoms and serums and it's annoying me
  • When Milking venoms into the fluidcache, instead of having it do 60 at a time, Can it be made to do 50 at a time so it fills up the fluidcache? As similar to refilling it never fills to the maximum of the fluidcache.