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  • Some classes are really disproportionately gold heavy than others. Evalyne can bash naked and without curatives if I wanted to or was hard pressed, she has mend, fortify, and so forth to aid her. Meanwhile Mykellah p.much needs her armour and at l…
  • Miki respects Rasani and appreciates her intentions, but often feels like Rasani is speaking downt to her, which irritates her. I usually enjoy the interactions as a player, myself; theyve been good for her development
  • Theres the right way and then theres the mudlet way, unfortunately
  • I think what @Leana is trying to suggest is that it would be interesting to have additional axis of conflict rather than just the tethers. Correct me if Im wrong.
  • She looks properly disapproving to be Sha :P
  • Ive been loving the way that the morning prayer is becoming a community activity in Enorian. The RP with @Oonagh and in LOVE Comment by Mykellah March 2018
  • Oh.



    That is the best thing.
    in LOVE Comment by Mykellah March 2018
  • I loved Ciem. I was sad to find out they removed it. As another example of this kind of thing.
  • @Satomi just so you know, Imperian removed that a long time ago. Not to say that this isn't something you can do, but someone's going to inevitably mention "thats n…
  • The fundamental problem here is there is no mechanical fix to metagaming, and anyone who doesn't think this was metagaming when there was, and is, such a clear disconnect between what was said and done ingame, and what was said and done out of game,…
  • edit: thanks phone
    in A Goodbye Comment by Mykellah March 2018
  • This thread is DARVO in action.  Im done with it.  And probably the game in general if this is to be the response to griefing.  "Get over it"  Okay, I will.  By playing a game where three people cant ruin everything fir everyone else.
    in A Goodbye Comment by Mykellah March 2018
  • Comparing Imperian to Aetolia here is apples to oranges.  The economy is entirely different and orgthefts rarely happened in Imperian.  The commodity generation centered around npc townes withcomplex mechanics forhow much was produced.  If you had c…
    in A Goodbye Comment by Mykellah March 2018
  • In the hospital dealing with my condition being so deteriorated, doing an already thanklesd task (Mikis been doing trade for like half a year now without even so much as someone saying "hey, nice job") and then dealing with waking up to this.  yeah,…
    in A Goodbye Comment by Mykellah March 2018
  • (Quote)
    This whole post reads like "well you were stupid so you deserved to be robbed" which is a pretty crass thing to say at best.
    in A Goodbye Comment by Mykellah March 2018
  • Gee golly I sure do love waking up to this as Trade Minister.

    Let's unpack this.

    1: The person who perpetuated this was instated as an aide without my approval or my consent.

    2: I didn't know what had happened and go…
    in A Goodbye Comment by Mykellah March 2018
  • Every time I go to buy elixers/etc I have to look up the syntax, same for design stuff. It's much harder than it needs to be. Why can't we just have it be BUY [thing] like every other IRE MUD?
  • There's a ton of grandfathered stuff like this across IRE games. Another example is a lot of the deathsight messages in Imperian, because there was a rules change at one point where they decided it must also have the caster's name specified, as wel…
  • (Quote) My only regret is that I only have one LOL rating to give. The GIMP is stuck in the early 90s and determined to stay there. Depending on your needs, Krita is a great app for digital art though.

  • A bit of a goof / irreverent person who deals in gallows humour to stave off the horrors of war he's witnessed? Yeah, swap the gender and that's basically Mik…
  • If Adobe Photoshop and Corel Draw work on it fine with WINE I don't see why something else like that wouldn't.
  • TinyFugue works on linux too.
  • I'd say Zaila is a national treasure, but she's rogue.
  • Basically, Windows 10 is awful if you care at all about security or privacy. In terms of the user experience, though, it isn't that bad.

    And I say that as a FSF member and daily Linux user.
  • So if this thread is lies, what is the approximate lies quotient of this thread?

    I need to find out how hard it will be to --kidnap-- --borrow-- convince someone to give me the classes.
  • The doctors said five years ish maybe if they can fix me up some but I'm starting to wonder if five weeks might be called overly optimistic. Without getting into the details too much, today was scary. I hope I can get this surgery they want to do …
  • It's still really nice art, it just robs me of the terrible pun :P
  • Very nicely done! Isn't she atavian though? :P