These are beautiful! Here's Morwen, if you somehow get bored! -
She is a wise Yeleni of Kelki heritage with smooth, silvery flesh that iridescently gleams when ambient light permits. A short, fin-like crest begins just above her brow and…
My main point in this (which I realize got lost entirely) was the "crunch" on newer people versus older ones. Gold is harder to come by for newer characters and commodities are challenging to find and expen…
The only thing Enorian gets from selling me cloth, which they can't generate on their own, is some gold and the fuzzy-warm knowledge that I got to make a sundress I wanted to make. To me, it makes sense that the cities don't really care in the long …
What I don't support is making a popular element of the game inaccessible and cost prohibitive to new players in order to bleed older players/resource rich cities dry of built up resources. I understand the …
Upon a driftwood platform Constructed of broad slabs of driftwood held together by long steel spikes, this platform is large enough to comfortably seat two people. It is sturdily anchored into the sea-bed below, preventing it from swaying despi…
I would not really consider Morwen a "combatant," but I also would not classify her as a "non-com" because she decides to get involved in combat-driven conflict like lessers and the Orrery pretty regularly. As a player, I find group combat generally…
I also wanted to add that as a GM, I would find this change to be very burdensome. There are many times where multiple people require my attention and tells help me be partake in multiple conversations at once. If I had to go and sit in a room to ta…
I don't have any problem with tells or the different IC channels.
Tangent: I do, however, dislike the use of an OOC channel for IC ylem coordination. I would prefer an IC tether/ylem channel for that kind of communic…
I think that we need a combination of both large gold drains and consistent small ones so that we can both reduce the stockpiles and maintain the reduction over the long term.
- Another gold sink would be being able to toss gold…
I got a moneypouch in my first bag from Ironbeard... And this:
This target dummy is little more than a stuffed bust made of cloth and sawdust, with a painted bullseye directly in the center of its chest. Despite these facts, it …
I only know of two lagoon locations (which is frustrating!)... But there are definitely at least five spring locations! Just gotta keep looking on those. in Short QuestionsComment by MorwenDecember 2016
This was really, really, fun to read! I like seeing other people who have music/art as a hobby in game. I think it helps round characters out if they have passions outside of just the theology and conflict axis in the game.
Interesting! I enjoy reading God interaction and seeing how the players behind them weave complex and interesting characters that feel both very real, and yet, very distant and distinct from the mortals they interact with.