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  • It's been 3.5 weeks and our cat has finally been found and delivered home. He's skinny, but loving as always. Now our balcony is netted, so he can't escape again, and we will make sure to give him loads of love and food in small doses to help him fe…
    in LOVE Comment by Mimotesh November 2018
  • @Aishia That's amazing! How do I get a hold of Eleanor? I need me one of those pictures. in Drawings of Aetolia Comment by Mimotesh November 2018
  • Always fun when you let someone you trust borrow something valuable and then tries to return it damaged. I let you borrow it fully functional and the deal to let you borrow it was that it was returned equally functional. That's not difficult, right?…
  • With flawless elegance, Severn extends a regal arm and bows low.

    Aegis and Heart of Valor, Lady Ecikoria McCloud-Tenshou, Lady of Pages says to
    Severn, "Would you mind going back in there?"

    Severn, the Lord of Artifice say…
  • I.. know nothing about the event. Absolutely nothing. So I guess I'm out.
  • One of my cats escaped from the balcony last night and I am going nuts. He's never been out this long before and it rained last night and it's cold and he's all alone. And my other cat is going bonkers looking for him. She was up yelling half the ni…
  • Slightly late for the comment party, but yes, what both @Teani and @Benedicto s…
    in LOVE Comment by Mimotesh October 2018
  • I am sure this event has been awesome, but I really can't wait for it to be over and done with so I can actually try to engage in the game again.
    in LOVE Comment by Mimotesh October 2018
  • Still middle of the night so.. have fun guys.
  • @Vyxsis I feel I need to clarify. No, you never said you laughed, but it has been mentioned that you and Ishmar were giggling about things, which is what I meant. An…
  • @Vyxsis You have said though, as have others who were present, that Vyx wasn't the only one talking about the Chaos Court and laughing about things. I don't know how…
  • I haven't been involved in the event at all, mostly because I've been on a break from the game, but also because it's out of my time zone and I can't be up all night to play a game just because of events. However!!

    I just loooooove the fa…
  • Absolutely beautiful pictures. Congrats to you both!
  • I can very much relate that the game has lost its joy for the time being. I hope to come out of this slump soon too. Take care of yourself and I will see you around!
  • I have little to no interest in coding, so that's probably my main reason. I do enjoy small scale com/majors, or fighting in a war, or helping with raids and things like that, but with only a few aliases and firstaid, I'm really no match against rea…
  • Will there be more things sold that can be bought with the coins? I have 280 of them and don't want to be Kobold..
  • I can't pin point any favorite memories. I've never been a combatant of any kind and even though I've never been jumped in a 1v1, I've been involved in group combat and been able to help Spinesreach and it's been amazing! Big shoutout to in War Stories Comment by Mimotesh August 2018
  • I'll miss having you around!
  • Hello, Peter.

    You don't know me and I don't know you, we've only rped a few times on old chars of mine, but thank you for speaking out.

    I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my father very suddenly last year. It's numbing. Thank…
  • The Sciomancers is an incredibly fun guild with people who are both pk and rp interested. Big thumbs up for them!
  • I got this amazing picture in my art trade with @Phoenecia. Yay art!

  • As someone waking during the "wrong" hours of the day, I never saw or even heard about any Divine talking about which side to pick. I did, however, hear a lot of people talking to city leadership, who had talked to both Imps and Ophidians, and then …
  • That's a lot to handle at one time, @Phoenecia. I hope things turn around for you at some point. And if you ever need to vent with an outsider, I'm as far outside…
  • I want to send loads and loads of love to the Sciomancers. This guild is so amazing and has been a blast for the two-ish weeks I've played. The requirements are interesting and fun and haven't felt like something I am forced to do, but something I'v…
    in LOVE Comment by Mimotesh June 2018
  • I've decided to start doodling a a few of the people I've been hanging with. Here are my first drafts. Also doing an art trade with Phoenecia, so if anyone else is up for an art trade, just let me know! Anywho, here's Aliviana and Ensidia. in Drawings of Aetolia Comment by Mimotesh June 2018
  • Darnit... But can I at least use it on my mount? I have four and really no artifacts to use them on. Also what does the ampoule of blessed oil do?
  • Can I give away customization certificates for someone else to use?
    And what exactly can I use one for? I have a crystalized arachnid I wanna change, but also a minipet. Would these certificates work on those?
  • (Quote) I actually swam 2km today, which is the double from what I am used to. 1hour 20minutes of constant swimming. I'm gonna be so sore tomorrow! XD But yes, trying to be consistent both with food and workout and I am allowing myself to cheat on…
    in LOVE Comment by Mimotesh June 2018
  • Started on an low carb high fat diet on monday, along with exercise of some sort every day (mostly walking, with some swimming tossed in). After three days, I've lost 2.3lbs/1kg. Now I just have to keep this up all summer and see where I end up!
    in LOVE Comment by Mimotesh June 2018
  • How long does it take for Premium credit packages to go through? I bought a Standard package and it came through instantly, but it's been quite a while now and the Premium package hasn't come through yet.