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  • If this is an elaborate April Fool's joke, I'll be vexed. I've wanted the original Bloodborn back for a very long time. This is an amazing thing to happen with everything going on. I'm treating patients in a dedicated COVID ICU, and this is the wind…
  • (Quote) They're the most awesome part of 2017.
  • Terrorizing the highways with Povox at midnight was fun. PKing with my old Tinyfugue system on the ancient computer my uncle gave me for my 16th birthday...
  • (Quote) 1. The PvP community here is different than Achaea. There's more of a focus on group combat at various Ylem and other battles, but there is a dedicated community for 1v1 PvP. I'm going to agree with Eowyn that it's quiet right now.
  • (Quote) I don't have an offense for archivist, but I can post my auto-basher. You might be able to get Project Source 1.4 by messaging someone like @Aoi or in Project Source Support - Version 1.3 Comment by Mharduz January 2018
  • I'm pretty pleased with where you and the team are going. I wasn't exactly thrilled with the vampire changes, given that a vampire has been my primary character for most of the last what... 16 years now. My inability to see a way forward for that ch…
  • (Quote) I'm protesting havens by not creating one. I'll just AFK at the Inner Gate like everyone else.
  • So, how's it going?
  • (Quote) I see where you're coming from, but I think the issue is that you're looking at it from a perspective of making a profit whereas I'm looking at the notion of things being relatively revenue neutral.

    I would also argue that the …
  • (Quote) I'm not looking at bashing to generate a profit, just to break even on the cost of curatives. Maybe it's just being an Archivist and not having particularly good DPS or a strong audit while bashing, but it's expensive.

    I …
  • He's one of a handful of people I've met, but he seems like a pleasant sort.