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  • 3k gold but it's ok, I just figured there would be some sort of update to let people know the changes and be less confusing to new people, that's why it's important that Help file is changed, not for us, but for new people.
  • My mudbot editor, load from the composer is greyed out and I can't figure out why it happened, as it was working before.
  • They are so adorable, no wonder you can't go without seeing 'em :)
  • My mistake then -.-
  • (Quote) "Attached" Spoilers.

    EDIT: How do you do the SPOILER thing?

  • (Quote) Sorry I didn't chime in with the commands like I usually do, and I have yet to fully teach Zatasesiel either. I've been very busy with some city drama, and such, also in Mene's personal life it has been a disaster. I don't…
  • I still think it is wrong of you guys to assume I am sitting around doing nothing but picking on novices and being a douche, when I am out there doing Treasury shit and I have like litterally six proteges right now, including Alexina, Carthenian and…
  • (Quote) Sorry about that, I had so much going on at that time.
  • I just thought she was trolling, and I over-reacted, I am sorry. I didn't mean to be a douche-bag. But also I dislike when 18 year olds pop up acting like they are 300 years old. She also litterally asked that question almost straight after SKIPPING…
  • (Quote) Post edited by Veritas on
    in Abhorash Comment by Menelaus March 2013
  • That no matter what they do to attract new players, it won't work out very well.
  • I am not against the down sizing, I am just saying regardless of the fact I have no actual date to post here, I wholeheartedly believe less people play MUDS now, then when say 10 or 15 years ago. I can't prove it, but I do think it is true. Every pe…

  • (Quote) I can't disagree with you dear, but as for being wounded, I am not being emo, but at the same time I am just standing up for my beliefs, and trying to bring some justice about, as most people underestimate how bad some of …
  • Also Racism and bullying should NOT be rewarded over progress and actual hard working active people. It is silly you are all arguing for such shit, when Lunare and Ve'kahi make the other Houses look like garbage because the other Houses do nothing a…
  • (Quote) - In the long run, it will not matter too much, I don't think... People will join a useless house, see people don't help novices or even talk, and then when they do, they put new people down.. quit... and manually join another H…
  • (Quote) Yeah well it just so happens the Non-Imperium Houses are the only NON useless houses where players have fun too... instead of being slaves to racist lazy idiots.
  • You guys are all missing the point though, no matter what they code in, or what houses get dissolved or stay, nothing is going to change whatsoever. You fail to grasp the concept that MUDing in general has been on a steady decline for years. The new…
  • Also Raz' are you going to change how Minor Houses are calculated? Because right now there are -no- Minor Houses.
  • Too bad the Imperium is a bunch of useless, novice molesting idiots. Everyone will still just join the Houses that actually pay attention and care, regardless of how you change the game.. you can't change PEOPLE...the players.
  • 3rd visit:

    Thousands of tiny iron rings link together in a flawless pattern of sturdy metal to form the fabric of this heavy giftbag, rattling together at every movement with a noise like falling rain. Skillfully applied colour flow…
  • I got a libram too.. they are nice. Still crossing fingers for third visit, and whoa'ing over 4th visit stories...
  • Even though Ironbeard has a better chance of visiting people he has yet to visit yet and I am only assuming people with more visits have even less chances... but a few things to take into considerations: Even though I've been visited twice, I am lit…
  • Visit #2:

    A heavy iron-link giftbag is holding:
    "bracers238296"          bracers of devastation

  • Yeah if any one hasn't seen it yet, check out Help Giftbags, it tells you exactly how Ironbeard's shennanigans work.. well mostly!

    EDIT: It seems updated to this year, and Raz or some one probably put it in, since Ironbeard was changed la…
  • First Visit:
    A heavy iron-link giftbag is holding:
    "certificate99858"       a customization certificate

  • Way to go Lexi and Azrael. I've gotten those boots once before and turned them in for delicious credits... But so far this Xmas... no visit..