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  • I love Rasani. She's easily one of the truest, bluest "good" characters, and yet you manage to portray it in a way that is very genuine and not cliche (/not a tired iteration when cliches are employed, as sometimes they are in any story telling!)
    in Rasani Morrog Comment by Mati July 2022
  • Mami...

    Perpetually grateful that I swallowed my own nerves and took the plunge with Sibatti when Mati was but a wee babe. Your character, and all of dur Naya, have been instrumental in helping to shape mine, and I only see that continuin…
  • Love Eaku. Such a solid character, and though we haven't had crazy in depth rp (yet), I still get the sense that I can count on you to play ball at a moment's notice, and you make a great general presence in Duiran.
    in Eaku Comment by Mati July 2022
  • She Hot...........

    I (and Mati) have really enjoyed getting to know Rihrin! It's been a long while in the making, since I don't have as much time as I'd like to play nor at the right times for you, but I'm excited to see where the charact…
    in Rihrin Comment by Mati July 2022
  • Just tossing my two cents in re: hitting newbies particularly hard. Maybe it's because I have played this game long enough that I know what areas will give me the best exp return that I can still survive, but I get shock very often, and since newbie…
  • Just stopping by to put my lot behind using +esteem to help diffuse tension OOC after a rough encounter, preferable to shooting an OOC tell. I get pretty weirded out when people I don't know or hardly know send me OOC tells about roleplay (unless it…
  • I would say maybe just shooting a brief message to whatever admin you think would be overseeing your idea? Like if it was an idea for Oneiromancers, shoot the message to Omei, Earthcallers to Ivoln, and maybe cc Ictinus if particularly time-sensitiv…
  • Not only that but you could very easily just have a ring of EXALTers to give you and your friends perma blessings .... actually I love this idea.
  • A general love to the community at large. Today has been a wild ride, but god it's exhilarating to see QW poppin' and have such big turnout for group combat, and a lot of people seem like they're in revitalized spirits. I'm glad for it.

    in LOVE Comment by Mati August 2021
  • Like a few others have said, events have mainly been things that happened to other people, although I think I was part of the mob on the Kerrithrim kill event so that's technically my first experience with it. And also like other people, the main ev…
  • I think this would be really cool, and I would also like to throw my hat toward diversity in mounts added to the pool in particular. I can only imagine they are about as difficult to add to the game as minipets, if not less so, and some other way to…
  • Honestly, Bulrok, I was not at all gunning for you (or actually anyone in particular), just the general vibe of that web and a dozen other logs I've seen, of which you were...basically never present, to memory. I'm sorry if it came off that way--I k…
  • I also would personally posit that, if you feel shamed because this log was posted and it wasn't because you couldn't mediate properly, perhaps that's part of the problem.

    I would also posit that, while you may 'own' whatever you said, i…
  • Honestly, I think both sides of the coin being presented here, if you even want to call it that, can be and are in fact true. While it may sometimes be a venn diagram, there are always people who just have a shitty attitude in general and go out of …
  • Holy smokes, that's an incredible commission!
  • (Quote) I could watch three full of hours of your dog being adorable and opening presents and being doted on.
  • (Quote) Stone is "hard to get" because you, purposefully, are creating an artificial scarcity and inflation but patrolling 2 to 3 times a day and buying up every single stone in order to force people to rebuy it from you at an insane markup t…
  • @Teotl We haven't interacted all that much but it was a delight when we did and I'm sorry to hear you're going through that. If we do again soon (and I hope so!) then…
  • Hey @Rhyot please stop taking my comment out of context (and a very different context--I don't even know where to begin with trying to explain to you that you wanting…
    in Delete Insight Comment by Mati May 2021
  • If we're casting votes, I definitely prefer a splitting of commands--for THINK to function as it currently does with all the available pitfalls and opportunities therein, and a between-me-and-God type thing for people who a) prefer to use it as self…
    in Delete Insight Comment by Mati May 2021
  • I am IMMENSELY curious about the Archivist side of things!! Very much hope any of you can post a log too.
  • (Quote) "So are we trying to build a Midnight Age where everyone gets along?" No, I'm trying to build a game in which players can all feel comfortable and safe exploring what they want to roleplay--nothing more, nothing less.

    "How …
  • Hi, I've not read all the comments and frankly don't care to because I know it will just make me frustrated; disregard my comment if you think that disqualifies me. But I have also played the game for 15+ years, on Spirit, Shadow, and Pools.