This times 1000.
The god of procrastination.
I will get back to you later with my tenets... maybe!
It all comes down to the philosophy and psychology of the player. The Carnifex attracts people who like the military style of rp and the more darker savagery of things. This alone means that the vast majority of its new players are already in the…
You should only fear the drop bears... they kill billions of people every year, and can teleport from one place to the next! They love the blood…
At the heart of it lifers have some of the greatest damage skills out there. But having been playing a lifer the last month I have to say even with the skills it is pointless as no one wants to work together
in PK
Comment by Mastema
October 2013
Fishing. (lets you catch rare fish for ingredients etc)
- nets: catch large volumes of fish
- row boat: build a small row boat to sit over water environments to lay nets/use rods from!
- rods: construct a rod to catch fish with…
...and a cricket bat!!
I have been coping flack all day from people so please ignore me as it was not directed at anyone person in particular, still thank you for clearing that up with the shop comment. I did not let it sink in due to all the crap going on IG with peop…
Yeah but is not your fault, it is the class in general, it is just broken and the moment a novice asks me why is the guild full of non-carnifex it drives the issues home further. For example not even a week ago I spent 3 hours with a novice and t…
Oh, this is not directed at you Moi at all, trust me you do a great job with what little the class has to offer. It is instead the class in general, the absolute failure that is its skills. Then there is the fact people join hoping to live by the…