""HoW cAn YoU sTaNd ThErE, yOu FaT mErChAnT," Ood, a fat Caentoi merchant mocks you, his squeaking imitation very high-pitched, very inaccurate, and very annoying. A bit of spittle hits your face." This made me giggle out loud. The world needs …
I named my penguin Jeff as a tribute to a friend who helped me gain a whole lot of confidence a few years back. Jeff is awesome, he deserves a plague doctore penguin.
I showed a friend the last few comments between Lin and Teani and the response I got back was: "Actually, coming across severed heads and dismembered bodies is something I worry about BECAUSE IT'S FUCKING HAPPENED." So, yeah, just want to point…
I'm not going to name names or point fingers, but Aetolia is really toxic if you're not part of the "important and famous" cliques. If you don't know the right people, you're worthless. And they will not be afraid to let you know that. I have seen i…
Ardent is the most important person in Marti's life for so many reasons. Our rp is always intense, fascinating and character-building and I can never tell where things might lead. Your rp style is amazing and it's truly been a pleasure seeing Ardent…
I keep forgetting to go back and comment on this. It's thanks to Anfini that I once gained two new favorite songs. There was a thread about theme songs and someone mentioned that Anfini's theme song should be RJD2's The Horror (currently l…
I was never really important enough to be known, but I miss some people from my early days. If anyone know the players of Indalecio, Mefistofeles, Sagla, Asmodean and Taras.. Let them know they are missed!
If there is a magically locked door in a city, how do you unlock it? This is specifically a character building, so it's technically not in the city, but in the neighborhood.
..I very much am. Non-coms actually want to be involved in things too and there are city points to earn when participating. Doesn't mean you're a combatant. I am very much a non-com and most of the Spirit side know that, having seen me in combat.