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  • Character Name: Marharet

    Race: Azudim, Atavian heritage
    Gender: Female
    Guild/House: Indorani/D'baen
    City: Bloodloch
    Order: Chakrasul

    Hair: White Blonde
    Eyes: White
  • I prefer the innocent-looking child-version of Chakrasul. She is meant to look sweet, innocent, beautiful and intoxicating all at once. You are meant to lower your guard in Her presence, so that you are more susceptible to Her whisperings.
  • Somehow this turned from Undead Monks to Lesser PK >.>
  • U.S. Only? Blehhhh!

    BTW - Evanescence 4eva :D
    in Music! Comment by Marharet May 2013
  • In defence of the Indorani - we aren't all Chakrasulian anymore. She basically told us to get out from under Her skirts and come up with our own tenets. When I became leader I tried to do my best to take us in a new direction.
    Needed to …
  • Alright, seems I need to step in here.

    We do not require an obscene amount of reading. If someone asks questions that are not in the 'required reading' which is basically about the formation of the Indorani  - story of Yetrent and such - …
  • Aetolia - Rise of the factions: They're taking over!
  • This is gonna make crafting a whole new level of awesome :D
  • Praenomen are pretty tanky because of Sanguis. Minion + Affinity rocks my socks.

    But go with whatever you feel would be the most awesome to RP IMO. If you don't like that class to play with - multiclass!
  • Awww, I think it's cool that he is back!
  • @Teani part of being a leader is taking responsibility for the actions of those you lead.
  • God, I hope they don't get rid of the Indorani -  I just got done fixing a lot of their damned scrolls!

    I could see that the Cabbies and Indo getting merged. Tarot > Numerology though :P

    Though the Cabalists are all scholarl…
  • Hysterical!