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  • <3@Ashmer. Oh! And I just wan…
    in Lucie Comment by Lucie February 2015
  • Quit the Luminaries. Joined Auresae's Order... Decided to bump this to seek opinions on Lucie these days!
    in Lucie Comment by Lucie February 2015

  • I got'cha!
  • (Quote) This might just be me (and it probably is!)... But I am fine with getting targeted if I am assisting in war efforts (even in a non-PK capacity). I mean, in reality, dying just doesn't mean much in the game anyway so if I get flattened like…
  • I know I have been a little gloomy lately when it comes to Enorian, but I really wanted to throw some sincere gratitude out to a few people who have gone out of their way to really drag me back into things:

    in Thank you! Comment by Lucie January 2015
  • I'm going to be honest... I was super excited to get into playing Lucie. The idea of playing a zealous champion of Light living in the Beacon of Light in a very dark world was exciting - and my interactions with the passionate members of the Daru we…
  • @Nola: Thank you. I worry that her development makes her appear a bit inconsistent, but I try to let her run free while remembering what is at the heart of the charact…
    in Lucie Comment by Lucie January 2015
  • @Melantha: While Lucie looks up and admires @Nola, she has a special affinity/att…
    in Melantha Comment by Lucie January 2015
  • @Nola... I do not even know how to really begin this - so I'll do what I do best, which is rambling!

    I have been playing IREs for... Longer than a decade. N…
    in Nola Comment by Lucie January 2015
  • @Sarosh‌: Thanks! Also, thanks for being cool with Lucie being an "honorary Daru!" It has been really fun taking a peek into their world.

  • I got an artifact keyring and ~15K gold. <3!

    What a fun promotion! I was seriously shocked when I left…
  • (Quote) This, please! Also for the goggles though. I can either wear the glasses that @Nola thoughtfully made to help my poor-visioned character see, or the ylem gog…
  • (Quote) Oh, well I am glad it isn't just me then!! Not... The gun show thing, of course. Lucie's a slight little thing. More just chatting out loud and directing it at her angel to make it seem less crazy persony.
  • This might be a super weird request, but is there a way we could target our angels for emotes/says? It may just be me... But I sometimes RP with myself for kicks and Lucie interacting with her angel is often part of it.
  • @Nola: You are wonderful. Nothing less could be said about you, ever! Thank you for letting Lucie into your world. It's fascinating and she is learning a lot about the…
  • I am too! I'm mostly just thrilled that I am getting to RP. @Rashar stopped by and made my night with some random RP. (Thank you, Rashar!) I promise I won't take eve…
  • I had been struggling with feeling engaged. I guess I picked a Guild that's incredibly dead when I can normally come about, and its really frustrating to ask questions on GT and get no answers again, and again. So... I just wanted to thank in Thank you! Comment by Lucie November 2014