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  • Alright, so: Now that we have this amazing feature to look who of us needs to stop feeding Divine essence away by dying so much.. among other things.. I thought it would have made a very interesting stat to track to see our total essence contributed…
  • Why is quickassess the only thing that I can't seem to use in combination with ^tar? Any combo/move I alias, uses that as targetting, yet for quickassess it just doesn't seem to recognize it.
  • @serrice more than once mentioned how I -need- the orbs and amulets, though with how little gold there seems to be earned I'll put the 'not particularly hard' up fo…
  • @Serrice This is the first time anyone's mentioned these other audit-buffs to me.. I'll definitely look into shell as those lesson amounts are little.. Honestly nev…
  • @Toz Not too bad with my own 30% resistance, so I'm very glad this area was added!

    edit: Oh, 10% of that is from a blessing. Still, seems like a good additio…
  • @Jensen Ah, okay. Well, all i can say is that Fengard is one of the most scariest places i can hunt in. Since I still need to run from the mobs like garwhols/knights…
  • (Quote) If you are inputting on the small discussion above you, we had mentioned the area before. The asphix. lots of aggros, defence strippers etc. make it a very unwelcoming area for my class at least - only manage there when having +1k hp …
  • Yes, we are VERY defence (miniskills, so also cr) and arti based, or that is definitely what it feels like. I have been considering forgetting the class so many times in the past, but even the lessons lot will harm me a lot.

    And yes, Lumi…
  • @Moxie Out of all IREs I've played, never had so much issues even scoring a few % in the end of the day as i've experienced as Ascendril... Spent days of 5-6hr s hubt…
  • Hmm, rubbing towels across my frostspikes like no tommorw - paints an odd image, mage with a towel in-hand rubbing his chunks of ice vividly
  • @Zsadist Correct me if I'm wrong,, but isn't Tainhelm a level 30 area where any Dui/Eno can't hunt (protectorate)? And, sadly, most of the areas you named seem to b…
  • (Quote)
    Try doing that with my 4 sec balance on staffcasts.. It makes the difference to dancing around death as some mobs just always manage to hit me twice before I can move again. With our frail healthpool, thats a game you can only k…
  • Ascendril... No matter what I do, what I try, what I combo, who I fight.. I lose, lose, lose.. Damage seems absent, hindering seems absent, my own curing seems useless..
    Then there's only me finding 1 person who bothers to explain whatever I -…
  • (Quote) I stopped sealing my letters, I just hate how quick my wax turns to dust (and that without burning it...:P ) and pay more for the wax than the letters I've sent in the time the wax was in my possession..
  • (Quote) Okay, that sounds do-able next time.. I'll make sure to post it here once it's bugged as well, if you want me to?
  • Ehhmm.. Question here...

    I keep getting suddenly afflicted with Asthma.. It's happened while standing still RP'ing for hours, while doing gold-runs/easy bashing.. There is absolutely NO message that I get afflicted with it, just all of a …
  • I have to agree with this.. My first steps on Sapience were as an undead and I was mightily confused why I couldnt sip health OR analeptic...
  • Yeras... Your-azz (Add a thick redneck accent on the 'your', replace z's with s's)
    Wylliam... Will-I-Am (sorry :P)
    Ishin... Ai-chin
    Phendegwen... Fen-dee-gwen
    Coribhell... Koh-reef-ul
    Tirria... Tear-eye-ah

  • 1) Where do you enjoy bashing?
    Lich Garden... There's something quite fun about blasting dissected baby eyes out of their sockets... Quite fun to run through as well.
    2) Why do you bash?
    Need that haven..... And gold, ev…
  • Lots of love for Jayke and Phen <3

    Anyone who feels left out, yes I love you too
    in LOVE Comment by Lleminara November 2015
  • I think I've seen it move from 9 to 8, close to 7 in the small time I've been here.. Seems Didi is rocking a serious gig here!