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  • If the banners are strictly OOC (as they should be), wouldn't it also fall upon the community to police our own as to discourage any kind of metagaming that uses the banners as IC information?

    I know metagaming happens, it is a part of onl…

  • I've been watching this topic and the debate that has been raging back and forth. How does the ability to PK affect IC interactions? How likely is someone to run the chance of losing to a non-com in roleplay combat, or giving the chance for a non…

  • I can say I am loving the roleplay in the Carnifex. I've done interviews, more than I care to recall, and I have to say, this one definitely sticks with me. @moirean…

  • I do quite like the fact that not everyone wears the title "Bloody angel of blood, Arch Duke angel, the winged bloody angel", or "Chosen soldier of Light's magnificence, Zealot, wo yu ar spe cal".

    Now, I, too, fell prey to some fanciful ti…

    in LOVE Comment by Leisane March 2014
  • Every single time I come back, be it for an extended period (like now) or just a short while, it takes me forever to remember how to buy slices. BUY HEART. BUY HEARTSLICE. BUY SLICE (wrong slice).

    Then, I feel like a noob because I have to…

  • (Quote)

    I'm going to have to agree with Ishin on this one. Regardless of IRE's official stance in regards to drug abuse within the games and without, The feedback for said drug abuse has, outside of a minority, been generally negativ…

    in Punishment Comment by Leisane March 2014
  • That feeling something hilarious was missed and only those around to see/read it will ever know the true extent of its content.

  • (Quote) That would probably be it. First time I haven't actively played in about three or five years. Before that, used to play tons, but only recently feeling the draw back to Aet. Thanks!
  • Huh, weird, considering Leisane has been a vampire for the better part of 250 ig years. Unless the amulet of the moon has something to do with it.
  • You feel the last of your mortality slip away as you truly become a blooded

    ^ What is this?