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  • The all or nothing style of orrery rewards is bad design. I am not saying give everyone the ability to get max rewards. But participation should lead to some rewards. Even lessers/majors/twins, if your city wins a round they usually get some ylem. <…
    in Orrery Comment by Kurak April 2023
  • (Quote) They are actually doing that in a round about fashion. Mid-tier zones were frequently bashed out by people going to 200. By adding more 'endgame' zones they are taking congestion out of those zones and freeing them up for people of the app…
  • It is the same, here it is from the game itself!

    Discipline (Discipline)
    This ability is passive.

    Blood and spirit a…
  • If you are Whaley, Cornering is going to get more milage in PK. Dodge is just more valuable. On howls, I would focus on salve pressure howls. As far as quartering, it is almost never going to happen in large group combat, auto-dispersing is just to …
  • I do not mind. Please keep going. Tell me more.
  • Loss sucks. Perma-loss can suck even more. Death is a risk you take by playing the game. In BL it is perfectly legitimate to kill each other over these sorts of arguments.

    What is incredibly inappropriate is rolling into someone's DMs to…
  • (Quote) We are in the middle of a wars ig resolution with special mechanics. My guess would be that they are waiting for it to resolve.
  • (Quote) I agree with this sentiment. I play as a religious zealot and I have a cool scripture to quote, sure. But I feel my rp would largely be the same if Kurak was Enorian. It is mostly a matter of shaking off the manacles of being reactive and…
  • (Quote) What name calling???? Maybe I was hazy pre-coffee, but I do not remember seeing...that.

    Everyone complained about lack of conflict and conflict cause was handed to everyone on a silver platter. It is disheartening to see peopl…
  • (Quote) I am seeing lots of feelings words, like, "about" or "so", in regards to bashing. Do you have max int, potence, red ammy, hunt(3)? 1370+50 seems high on a single hit in a post-caramel world. At a glance, it looks like you are comparing Car…
  • I would be interested to see some clear times clocked for classes with high optimizations, meaning more than just all the arties. While some classes are faster at bashing, I truly believe the gap is much smaller than people seem to think. And while…
  • (Quote) If that is the case then it is a bit of esoteric knowledge not reflected in the helpfile:

    Playtime Vote Strength
    < 5 hours 0 Vote *
  • (Quote) Yes, if you actually planned something on discord and moved and got promoted to GR3 within 15min, it certainly should be side eyed.

  • (Quote) These types of problems have gone under the radar for years while Aetolia was being grossly mismanaged. You do not handle problem with extensive ooc metagaming by "quietly" writing letters to admin. You call it out, pull it kicking and scr…
  • These sorts of actions require public outcry to effect change. There is no way to handle a situation like this quietly. These types of behavior only flourish when the spotlight is not on them.
  • (Quote) I do not want to derail the whole thread with this tangent. But I agree disrespecting Abby and Chak is not inherently bad rp. But I think when taken in the context these characters are trying to help the org right their path and instead ar…
  • I am going to do another post instead of editing my previous. And it is about the altpire issue.

    I know some people might look at this 'alt voting' thing and wonder why vote weight doesn't stop it. But seeing the sheer number of people co…
  • (Quote) I would actually love to hear about the problems from your perceptive. Because the two big events; hunting contest and the battlefield were directly from external pressure placed on the guild from ig.

    But really I do not think …
  • Anyone can PK, I promise. Before Aetolia I played Achaea. I PKed and Duelled quite well. I taught my self basic coding from zero working knowledge of it. I read and asked questions from other good PKers. I taught myself affliction theory and limb co…
  • (Quote) Do you have receipts? I think part of the issue with this behavior is admin can and will take action. But they need the smallest bit of proof first.
  • I agree with @Iesid , I think a large part of the issue is the players in question are not interested in embodying the theme of their guild/city/org. But any ig resol…
  • (Quote) Please! There is a huge amount of weird workarounds to add a 200 class in a system because them gmcp returns "(None)"
  • I have been pretty vocal since I joined Aetolia that chocolates are ridiculous. They add an enormous amount of headache into what should be a relatively chill activity. I had some pretty irritating moments surrounding them for my 200 run because it …
  • (Quote) I am hoping it has player assassination contracts! Would be very cool.
  • Pet Peeve: Ooc drama for IG consequences from IG choices.

    edit: If you want to do rp to stir the pot, do it! But own it! Do not get ooc pissy when the pot gets stirred.
  • Hello, I see we have revived this thread. Can we have a gmcp for continents? You know so I do not have to flag each area by hand in my mapper. I cannot state enough what a great tool this would be for mapping.
  • > @Jhura said:
    > I believe this is in reference to the numerology(at least I think it's numerology) skill that swaps you with any random person anywhere on the continent that is outdoors and not on a monolith. He was on clouds when he go…
  • (Quote) I cannot speak to 1) because I am generally not around on the weekends. But while not related to the event, was it related to the war?(not baiting a response, like I said I did not hear about anything)

    But as to 2), if you truly…
  • (Quote) Many players in Enorian seem to want to rp the "Good Guy" and that is a purely reactive goal. And when not given an event/thing/person to react to there is nothing to do. Even purging the undead is just reactive. I could see that feeling l…