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Los Angeles
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  • I finally figured it out, thanks to @Magnhild

  • I love when people get drawings of what's just described as "markings" or "numbers" or what have you. They're one of the hardest things to visualize, but when you see them you realize how simple they can be.

    More than that, seeing Aetolia…
  • (Quote) I'm still not quite over the way they look like a Circle of Abyssal Exalted here. They even have the same in Aetolian throwback thread. Comment by Kodaza January 2018
  • Yeah, what Zaila said. Let's say I have Arbre on ignore, and I don't even want to know when Arbre is online -- not in LOOK, not in CWHO, nothin'. This wouldn't stop Arbre from killing me, and if anything would just get me ambushed a lot.

  • (If you haven't seen Spines' cultural exhibit yet, this is a bit of a spoiler. But well-played, Ascendril, well-played.)

    Mumbling to herself as she continues to circle the chamber, Alec…
  • Can IGNORE hide people from WHO lists? I'd rather not be on edge wondering if they're going to try to circumvent and communicate with me somehow. And sometimes it actually feels even less safe, because the person can walk into the room and interact …
  • Per the announce post!
    • You can optionally describe written text so people can READ the item.
    • You can optionally design a number of simple interactions that the item can respond to.
    • At maximum, these responses c…
  • Can the NPCs walk around our rooms, or do they have to stay stationary to one location?
  • So the Gash Kadrak Raveners are tearing a hole through the league and I feel a little guilty. But the reason I've had so much success is that I'm taking so many risks. Blood Bowl is a game of huge swings, and I think perhaps people could embrace tha…
  • Torturer's is considerably lower level than the other test areas. Was that chosen on purpose? Has the effective level of Torturer's risen with these changes?
  • Diablo 3 is my favorite anime
  • It costs zero cents to not-read something in a public space you do not want to read.
  • Does Aetolia (the planet) have tectonic plates?
  • @Tekias The issue is that when a line is too long, it wraps around to above itself. So in the example,

                    in                     Townhall Part 2
                    Comment by Kodaza
                    August 2017
  • This is made a little challenging by so many of Sciomancy and Elemancy's skills being duplicates of each other with different flavor text. Are you asking about skills that are iconic about the classes individually, as distinct identities?
  • We're in the middle of a bathroom renovation ourselves, so yeah... it's a large project. We've got three handymen working and it's taking roughly four days even with all the labor. It's dreadfully inconvenient and that's even with everyone involved …
  • $0.02

    In a game of strict binary conflict, isn't it the one trying to play both sides that would qualify as a "special snowflake"? :thinking:
  • The easiest way I've found to engage with people is to literally just say hello.

    I mean: SAYTO Hello.

    Being coincidentally in a room happens all the time. INCLINE is the bare minimum of politeness that most people do. But add …
  • My sleep schedule is weird and I want an opponent! Pls message
  • Por que no los dos? Do it in-game, but stream the game during the town hall. That will give it an archive at least for a short while, people can make clips of short sections that are relevant to them, and the stream can just continue as planned once…
  • (Quote) Continuing my derail: none of these are power creep. Barriers for entry, yes, but that's not the same thing.

    Ylem advantages are a good example, though, you're right there. They may be small advantages, but even if two combatant…
  • (Quote) At the risk of derailing the thread utterly: this is the literal definition of power creep.
  • I would have thought asking specifically about the mage rework comes awfully close to asking for a timeline and dates and such? I don't think we're getting any answers there, so we don't get over-hyped too soon. That said.

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SU…
  • (Quote)
    Re: the first point, I'm not sure what you mean? If we measure lost lessons in credit value, then instead of spending credits on lessons to lose class, you want to spend lessons on an artifact that lets you lose a class? How is this …
  • For Town Hall purposes, since @Toz's question is on Tiur's posted agenda, we could combine in Townhall - Future Comment by Kodaza July 2017
  • (Quote) Now I'm just thinking of new events that could take place either in the sky (for airships), at sea (for boats), or both at once.

    The word that's coming to mind is "ylemstorm."
  • As someone with zero involvement in the Dominion and entirely unaffected by any changes to it, buffs or nerfs:

    I genuinely do not understand what Anise is trying to communicate, in any of the three posts made so far. The four points espec…
  • Since I wound up generating buzz with my post I didn't anticipate, let me restructure it to something more appropriate for the Town Hall and less of a Small Ideas-type "hey, I want this thing" —

    In support of in Townhall - Future Comment by Kodaza July 2017
  • (Quote) I think most of Haven's questions are good, but I'd like to really second this one.

    When I dabbled in Achaea recently, they had a system in place called, I think, Battlerage? Or something similar. A small set of class skills th…