Do the chests that you loot for various silver things actually do anything? Didn't see a difference in leaving/reward after having looted vs not, assuming 5 pennies is the base payout.
I don't care either way. I'm purely bringing up the possible mechanical implications. For all I know, they can flip a switch and it's done. Or it'll require dozens of coder hours better spent elsewhere.
Pardon me for not knowing every detail about your character that isn't visible in honors. Or, having not ever interacted with you IC, for not knowing your character's race. I'm obviously an abject idiot.
Would need to then figure out what you're doing with vampire stats. If I can be a prae without burning in the sun when I use sanguis powers, etc. that would be nifty. From help undead stats, you'd have to shift a few of those items to the class…