Don't you love when you read back what you typed and what you typed and what you see are completely different?
Anyhow, my point more being, the lack of names at pretty much any time does make the guilds/cities look a little deserted, regar…
Having some great ideas for the Event in regards to Duiran, but feeling like some of those ideas might be bottlenecked due to mechanics.
Hate choo mechanics.
Spinesreach. Seriously, you guys are hilarious and Killien is feeling very at home. I was worried about him, moving from one location, to another, then to another, in a short span, but the Republic has really got me playing him again with endless…
After having been to the Chaos Plane, I agree completely with this sentiment. The Chaos Lords are there, the scenery is (kind of) there, but it feels more like a place created for the sole purpose of fulfilling a skillset. A few things I would lo…
'exits special <argument>' lets you set messages, commands, and vnums for rooms (so if the command and message ALWAYS link to the same room, a good way to make sure it paths intelligently).
IMapper, thankfully, still has the help modu…
I keep clicking the vote button, even if they don't count.
So, wait, are you agreeing that smaller packs (which, if you want smaller packs, a hard limit would, in theory, need introduced or else people will do as they do and congregate into the "win button" packs), or ar…