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  • I'll echo what @Toz said earlier and say that if non-comms want to participate in a way that ensures they won't get killed, there needs to be a "bash/quest" aspect prio…
  • The Orrery, as soon as I saw it, made me think of landmarks. From a pk perspective, landmarks were absolutely AMAZING. They happened semi-regularly, they were contained to a specific area, and the benefits from winning the landmarks were tangible. E…
  • It has been a while since I used mudbot, but I do remember a few things required.

    You have to ensure you are connecting to "localhost" or "". Port is 123 by default. I believe you also have to ensure the configuration file or so…
  • I have recently returned to Aetolia after a rather long hiatus. However, when I did play more extensively, I can say my character's guild definitely did have an impact on my playing experience.

    Killien started out in the Templar. This ins…
  • GMCP (General MUD Communication Protocol) is a method for the game to communicate with a client (as is suggested by the name). Basically, the client sends packets of specific data to the game, and the game responds with specific packets of data and …
  • Start my new job, with its 12k/year raise, in 13 days, and counting...
    in LOVE Comment by Killien September 2014
  • (Quote) My question was more related to the upset that a God decided to do something when the God's holiest of places was being used to attack a city the God watches over. I've always seen it as if you decide to do something inside a Temple, the G…
  • Correct me if I'm wrong, but is the upset truly that a God's temple was to be used as an entry point, an area that is not considered Enorian proper so guards cannot be maneuvered into it, and the God whose temple was to be used took offense to that?…
  • (Quote) I think part of the problem with the Light comes back to the lack of it being at all concrete. Bloodloch will not tolerate anyone, with very very very few minor exceptions, anyone who is not Undead. And even if you do get the chance to joi…
  • I just want Enorian to choose a path and work with it to create a thriving culture. Zealot or no zealot, Relaxed Good that embodies the traditional ideal of Light, whichever, just get a majority behind a path and create something awesome.

  • So, was waiting to post this until I got the offer letter, but can't wait: I start a new job at the end of September making a minimum of $5 more an hour. Better benefits, better company, more support, higher pay, and doing a job I love. It has made …
    in LOVE Comment by Killien September 2014
  • (Quote) I agree! It -should- give more traction for being antagonistic and -should- allow for a more proactive stance. Theory and practice, especially when applied large scale, do not always match.
  • (Quote) A few of us did attempt to stir interest after we were immediately squashed the moment Yaotl shouted, but alas, no interest was garnered as it was simply seen a normal raid.

    As far as rp goes, I won't argue there. Not a whole l…
  • Quite honestly? I would -love- for the 'bad guys' to keep doing bad guys stuff. The recent stuff with Gruxmal and the stirrings in the Abyss? Awesome. The Carnifex doing what the Carnifex do? PLEASE MOAR. The -hardest- part of playing a zealot is, a…
  • The difficulty that has been inherent with good-aligned cities is the same that every game has faced: You tend to either be for "Good" or against it. If you allow there to be various shades of "Good" within a small population, you then water down th…
  • Not enough time for both D3 and Aetolia. Bah :(
    in LOVE Comment by Killien September 2014
  • image

    in LOVE Comment by Killien September 2014
  • (Quote) The Crusader is everything the Paladin wished he could be. Don't get me wrong, loved the Paladin out of D2 and comparing them mechanically is comparing Apples to Oranges, but the very -feel- of the Crusader.

    Seriously, some of …
    in LOVE Comment by Killien September 2014
  • Fun as ever. Killien found it quite the coincidence that @maelok should ask him, of all people, to come help with Corruption. Epic showdown in the works, in A run-in with Corruption Comment by Killien August 2014
  • Much <3 to @Dhar, in LOVE Comment by Killien August 2014
  • Don't you love when you read back what you typed and what you typed and what you see are completely different?

    Anyhow, my point more being, the lack of names at pretty much any time does make the guilds/cities look a little deserted, regar…

  • @Omei. Why? Because sometimes, you need a swift kick in the ass to figure out what you already know.
    in LOVE Comment by Killien February 2014
  • Having some great ideas for the Event in regards to Duiran, but feeling like some of those ideas might be bottlenecked due to mechanics.

    Hate choo mechanics.

  • Spinesreach. Seriously, you guys are hilarious and Killien is feeling very at home. I was worried about him, moving from one location, to another, then to another, in a short span, but the Republic has really got me playing him again with endless…

    in LOVE Comment by Killien January 2014
  • After having been to the Chaos Plane, I agree completely with this sentiment. The Chaos Lords are there, the scenery is (kind of) there, but it feels more like a place created for the sole purpose of fulfilling a skillset. A few things I would lo…

  • You would need to turn on mapping prior to using the command, use "room create" to create an entirely new room. In all likelihood, though, you'll probably have to use "map teleport" since the command is probably the same for each city, instead of 'e…
  • 'exits special <argument>' lets you set messages, commands, and vnums for rooms (so if the command and message ALWAYS link to the same room, a good way to make sure it paths intelligently).

    IMapper, thankfully, still has the help modu…

  • I keep clicking the vote button, even if they don't count.


  • Not sure if it is a -small- idea, but when quitting a city, make it so quitting drops you from all related offices/aideships without having to quit particular ones, then quit the militia, then quit the city.
  • (Quote)

    So, wait, are you agreeing that smaller packs (which, if you want smaller packs, a hard limit would, in theory, need introduced or else people will do as they do and congregate into the "win button" packs), or ar…