If it's something that's going to be applied to many/all villages, it might need some sort of cooldown or lock when a person/village sides with one group or another.
Otherwise these places are going to look like the most indecisive groups…
See, now this story is getting unbelievable. Anyone who attempted to eat a jackfruit that big would die from the smell long before they finished.
I propose new fame and titles for Aishia: "She ate a jackfruit that was thiiiiiiii…
Monks are a neutral class, tetherwise-- This means that you CAN play a monk on either side of the Spirit/Shadow divide. That said, the monk guild is the Sentaari, so you'll first get corraled there. From there, once you've mastered the cla…
So...it's been a couple of days since all of this went down now, which is enough time for fallout from all this to start occurring or settling into place...
I just wanted to leave a message here for Indorani players: Please don't quit the…
I've always found it helps write a list of your characters features. It gives you a bunch of key points, and then all you have to do is string them together.