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  • -Jura is very hard for me to play.
    -- Her personality is 100% different than my own
    --- I feel run down/put-off from playing her, due to how she was treated in her early days in Spinesreach/by varied Syssin.
    ---- The feeling has neve…
  • Jura knows very little of Volka, though is _very_ intrigued by her scientific background.
    I also am hopeful that the two will interact more - though I admit Jura is a cactus.
    in Volka Comment by Jura June 2016
  • -tap tap- Is this thing on? Yes? Okay. Hi.

    So, I've been a Carnifex about a year or so now, give or take a month or two, and I have had nothing but positive interactions - Even in negative situations.

    There was a time when Jura…
  • While their portrait painting time was short, I thought it was rather enjoyable.

    I don't know hardly anything about Teani, or what she does, but Jura's definitely interested in learning more.
    To Jura, Teani seems to posses an air of …
    in Teani Comment by Jura June 2016
  • While Moirean was Jura's first Commander, Xenia IS her Commander. There is no other option.

    Every RP has been enjoyable, even when the butt heads and hash things out.

    I don't know about you, but to me there feels like there is …
    in Xenia Comment by Jura June 2016
  • Of course, I imagine Houses could have something similar if they wanted? I'm not sure how it would work though in that case.

  • The Carni and I were talking about log-in messages that a guild would get when their GM/Sec/HoN in logs in. @Xenia in Small Ideas - AIN'T NO COMBAT THREAD Comment by Jura November 2015
  • Carivah both calms Jura and keeps her angry.
    I frankly enjoy that I've had to look up words that I hadn't used or seen before. You make RP fun and a learning experience.

    Carivah is the first person that ever made Jura cry. That's pr…