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  • (Quote) duiran kidnapped them and painted them white to sell as mounts

    speaking of, very slight pet peeve is i'd love some of the mounts that are locked as cr only to have more accessible gold purchase options. i'm an orc, i want a wol…

  • we could've gone lower
    in Owned Part II Comment by Jun July 2021
  • I unfortunately don't have any specific suggestions but I am 100% behind content that encourages smaller group PK, since figuring out good strats for that is really fun.

    I might recommend having some bonuses towards getting newer people i…
  • In my own experience, sometimes Spirit is outnumbered, sometimes Shadow is outnumbered, usually depending on timezones, and I genuinely cannot bring myself to care because lessers are pretty meaningless - other than for pride points, I guess. I get …
  • You sit down on a rickety wooden chair.
    Your surroundings lurch dizzingly around you as your body is overwhelmed with the sensation of
    movement. As the sensory bombardment comes to an end, you find yourself somewhere else entirely.
    A …
    in Owned Part II Comment by Jun June 2021
  • (Quote) If you mean what it looks like literally, you can config the text color but it basically just shows up as an echo for you. So if I typed "THINK Smelly perfume. Who wears this?" It would just return the line to me, minus THINK.

    in Delete Insight Comment by Jun May 2021
  • Personally, I think (heh) that insight is a really neat tool and I've been deliberately using THINK commands knowing people can overhear them (things like 'who's wearing that perfume' and 'oh gods what did I just wander into'), and I treat it more a…
    in Delete Insight Comment by Jun May 2021
  • My favorite part is how this ties into an actual conversation we had.

    Truly, participating in lessers while squishy is a struggle.