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  • Lumi is the priest-y class, zealot is monk! If you want class-specific defenses added, I just need to know the name, syntax, and effect of the defenses, and what it takes to use it (like does it require balance and equilibrium, but only consume bala…
    in Sunder Comment by Jory June 2018
  • Quick hotfix for anyone who bashes in the shattered vortex - my super high-tech cool stuff broke it. Replace triggers->sunder->core->prompt with this paste to make it work as intended!

    This will cause it to properly load th…
    in Sunder Comment by Jory June 2018
  • NewSunder's available for download now, at the same old link. I've also posted sunder-no-gui, which is exactly what you might expect. Here's the changelog for the newest version!

    --Corrected a syntax error in absolve for lumis. Thanks Oon…
    in Sunder Comment by Jory June 2018
  • Okay! Sunder 1.7 is now available at the link in the original post - the full download, anyway. I'll be adding the partial ones here shortly. I didn't entirely finish making the GUI functional, but still packaged it with the full version, so people …
    in Sunder Comment by Jory May 2018
  • Oh also! With the next update, I'll be splitting sunder into multiple different 'modules' so you can pick and choose what you want to install. You'll need the core, but then for example you could take the bashing module and run just the two. The new…
    in Sunder Comment by Jory May 2018
  • Well, enough of you asked that I finally decided to sit and beat my head against Geyser until it made more sense. I've been working on a GUI for sunder, and wanted to throw out what I have so far to get suggestions from others using the system. Here…
    in Sunder Comment by Jory May 2018
  • Yeah no credits please! If you want to help out, you could contribute things like target lists for bashing zones or ideas for improvements or offenses to by put in. Sunder's a communal project, not something I want to profit off of.
    in Sunder Comment by Jory May 2018
  • Slept on it! Just to clarify my somewhat ambiguous pre-bed post - I don't mind that gold is gated behind quests. I understand the desire to take it away from more easily-automated or 'spammable' things like bashing or whatever. I'm not saying that q…
    in So, Questing. Comment by Jory March 2018
  • I'm okay if that's the case but it shouldn't tell me there's a quest available if there isn't :( Then I get frustrated …
    in So, Questing. Comment by Jory March 2018
  • So exp loss changes - little harsh bro!

    You move forward toward the giant mirror, marveling at its size and perfectly flat, unmarred
    reflective surface. Strangely, you can see nothing reflected in the mirror, but it may be some trick…
  • I think the conflict system that doesn't center around the cities might have some merit? I mean, something that doesn't involve raiding. When a city's being attacked, people feel compelled to defend if they don't want to, because NPCs cry for help o…
  • Double post but, too much love, can't contain. I love this!

    Slicing sideways with a steel shortsword, you cut into a sinewy Nal'jin eel.
    You have scored a CRITICAL hit!
    Empower: sacrifice.
    You have scored a STAGGERING CRITI…
    in LOVE Comment by Jory March 2018
  • I love this game!

    I remember when I started almost two months ago now I read all the help files and looked up all the skills on the website, and I narrowed it down to two classes - templar or carnifex. I wound up going with templar becaus…
    in LOVE Comment by Jory March 2018
  • I like defiling. I can do it on hotel wifi when I can't PK well until I get home.
  • I love the Templars! Featuring:

    Taaroshimon, who digivolves into Taaroshinom after eating!
    Desidora the Explorer
    Rahman Soup
    The Garden of Edenn
    Godmother Rasanio
    Cole Miner
    Benedicto Neat-o
    in LOVE Comment by Jory February 2018