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  • As a side note: good job to Jayce getting flushed from a single eggnog sip. He's clearly not Spirean!! (Or part of Haern's order) :p
  • Karma coming full circle.

    in LOVE Comment by Jayce September 2014
  • I hate when I say something in the game and someone thinks it's a personal attack against them because I reference something they said for clarification. Upon asking said person not to speak to me they then take it to a Semi-OOC Semi-IC tell with so…
  • Sims 4 midnight release tonight...... Job? What job! A month off? What do you mean!!? So excited!! 7.5 more hours!
    in LOVE Comment by Jayce September 2014
  • (Quote) I didn't wanna run in on his interview!! I was like.... standing in the guild hall waiting when he said that though! I was thoughtful! Shh!! :P
  • Ooooh! That was so much fun! Thank you @Killien and @Maelok for the fun!
  • Is there a way to turn off "Food items" when harvesting plants?
    I.E. Cranberries, Strawberries, Watercress, etc. I really enjoy the "HARVEST ALL PLANTS" concept but when it's sucking up 50 of these items I have no use for... ehhhhh.... it's a …
  • @Ianea - Thank you very much for the RP. It meant a lot to Jayce to have such a good friend there in that moment. I can't wait to get together again! Even if it was k…
    in Thank you! Comment by Jayce August 2014
  • They're gonna overrun the cabins that people use in Haven Environments as atonement revenge for it being forced upon the coder! Lol!
  • (Quote) We don't wanna push our luck! Wait and try again in a year! That's the secret.

    +--------------------------- CHANGELOG ENTRY #625 ----------------------------+
    | Entered by: Trigru Date: 2014/08/27 20:46:59 |
    +-------------------------------- ADDITION ----------------…
  • @Alexina, there's your wastelands!
    @Trigru... I demand Cabins!!
  • So, a couple friends have taken it upon themselves to put a background into that image. The possibilities are limitless! Lol, I enjoy them both though!

    Swinging around in a forest! Lol!
    in Art by Nola Comment by Jayce August 2014
  • @Aren, I can't even take your forum signature. I think this is how I will spend the rest of my life... staring at it.
    in Thank you! Comment by Jayce August 2014
    Seriously! This is amazing!! I just fell off my chair from the amount of awesomeness exuding from this pictu…
    in Art by Nola Comment by Jayce August 2014
  • Since I can't afford a house, because it is with credits, I use my haven as a substitute. I've seen many people do this, same with their forging, enchanting, and venoms, they really are handy things. Though, I can understand why Moirean likes the ho…
  • (Quote) I'd disagree with this but I don't wanna ding you. So, I'll just comment that I disagree!
  • (Quote) Alright, @Trigru well! Thank you for replying! I was just curious behind the meaning of a few things as Aetolia does in fact have Cabins and Hot Springs ou…
  • (Quote) I believe they're working on it. Might be released at the end of the month is my assumption, that or they're working to fix something so it can be distributed.
  • (Quote) Haaaaaaahahahahaha.... I enjoyed reading this whole thing but after reading that I had to peel myself off the floor in laughter!
  • After reading all this I think it's become another "bash-fast" where one side starts bashing the other, saying they cry wolf, and I've seen it happen a lot on forums. We aren't getting anywhere by arguing internally, as is the norm, and I'm sure peo…
  • I have to chime in again to say that I've seen @Daskalos roleplay and he's by far much better at anything I could ever do. If -he's- struggling with having fun in …
  • I've read a lot of these posts and I've come to agree or like the points behind most of them.
    My problem with the game is simple: When I started 11 years ago, like many of the other users and admin team, I was in my teens, 13 or 14 to be exact.…
  • (Quote) Yes, 100%, yes.

  • Got a sneak peek today and I'm squirming around in my chair in anticipation!!!
    in Art by Nola Comment by Jayce August 2014
  • Edit: I dunno what I did, or how I did it! But I fixed it! I just kept entering a bunch of !getAreaName(?) type things and eventually it disappeared! Hooray! in Short Questions Comment by Jayce August 2014
  • I'm not sure saying that Duiran has a new government is a bad thing, it allows "new players" to move up and get a taste of politics should they want it. Nothing irritates me more than moving into a city and being bound to CR 1-6 because I'm never go…
  • I try to stay away from this thread but I'm pretty miffed.
    My rage - Trying to ICly deal with a situation that started ICly, and ended up with an IGNORE being tossed out there, only to find that no one is ICly willing to work with you to help y…
  • Thanks, Moirean! I think that may be the problem, I never noticed that she does seem to come back with significantly less power than usual. This time it was around 800 when I started up Angel Empathy. I'll have to try to remember to shut that down b…