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  • Jas adores Arbre, no matter what kind of situations they get in. It's been awesome and I need to find more time to rp with you.
  • Best aunt ever! I love it when I can get the time to rp with you. Roux always manages to give Jas a new perspective on situations.
  • I still love all the interactions we've gotten. Even the little ones when I don't have much time to be around. Thank you.
  • Thank you very much for being willing to interact with me after so, so long of not doing it. You had way more reasons not to interact and I'm glad we've had to chance to get into it lately. It's been encouraging and fun!
    in Benedicto Comment by Jasline March 2020
  • The way I see it, both characters just need to be willing to have a simple conversation with each other. From my experiences with cross faction RP, that's all it takes to get going. The willingness is the important part that needs to be there. It do…
  • Congrats!
    in Atticus! Comment by Jasline May 2014
  • Starting to feel okay again. The last few days were the first without massive headaches (which began the day after the funeral) and it's SO nice. Finally getting up motivation to do fun things again too!
    in LOVE Comment by Jasline May 2014
  • Family member passed last night. I'll likely be away for a while.
  • Congrats!
  • All my new plants survived the winter! It got super cold not long after I planted them so I thought they wouldn't survive. Especially when I couldn't keep them covered because of the wind. But they did Survive! All four blueberries have flowers a…

    in LOVE Comment by Jasline March 2014
  • My brother is going active duty in the Navy. I'll miss him a lot but I'm glad he'll be doing something that makes him happy again.
    in LOVE Comment by Jasline March 2014
  • Family issues. And I was hoping this week would be better than last week.
  • You are hands down one of my favorite peoples to RP with. I have enjoyed seeing the relationship with Arbre and Jas evolve and they just seemed to have gotten closer after everything was said and done. Jas feels like she really can talk to you about…
  • Congrats!
  • Weirdest. Friday. Ever. Between the flying stuffed monkey, finding out a part was stolen and trying to keep all of my co-workers from going off the deep end already..I'm half expecting a person to randomly walk in with a chainsaw and start destroyin…
  • I have to get a tooth pulled. My appt. is set for next week. I've never had a tooth pulled in my entire life so I'm totally freaking out about this.

  • (Quote) No no just because Arbre is her mom doesn't automatically make her one, right? ..right guys? If you ask me she's a Silverain all the way.

  • I'm loving the RP with all the new people and that Jas is finally branching out some. Now if only I could get back into the swing of it with some awesome people that I like to RP with that aren't new then life would be even more perfect right now.
    in LOVE Comment by Jasline February 2014
  • This thread is scaring me now.
  • Audits. Seriously, I'm done with this week. Just. DONE.
  • - I'm not really happy with Jas and I don't know how to fix it yet.

    -I really feel like my RP has gone a bit down hill lately.

    -I'm horrible at remembering things Jas has done at times so I log. And it takes me about 15 minutes…
  • Character Name: Jasline Silverain


    Race: Tsol'aa
    Gender: Female
    Guild/House: Luminaries
    City: Enorian
    Order:  Slyphe


  • (Quote)
    That is how I've always pronounced it too.
    in Names Comment by Jasline January 2014
  • I had no idea Arbre was a French word and I took French in college. I've always pronounced it ARE-BER. Like how theater and theatre are pronounced the same.
    in Names Comment by Jasline January 2014
  • I'm not terribly original when it comes to names. Jasline is the name of my favorite Shadow Run character that I play in table top games. And I thought it would be fun to play a similar-ish character in a MUD. Hence why she started out in Spinesreac…
    in Names Comment by Jasline January 2014
  • Slowly losing the fun.
  • (Quote) I remember when we had hard freezes in Florida in November and December...back in like 1994/1995. I will take the 26 degree weather in January. But I agree with you on the not liking winter. I don't like summer either.

  • I do a lot of online RP via Skype because most of my tabletop gaming groups fell apart. There's only 1 left that still plays RPGs weekly.  I am always putting 'em' in front of everything when on Skype.
  • It's finally hat weather!
    in LOVE Comment by Jasline January 2014
  • I didn't realize, until this is week happened, just how much a fun game can stress you out.