You can also copy the map display, hit the Show Source (paper icon with a "<>" on it) button on the post editor box, and then paste it between [code][/code] tags.
A bit of summary before the log might be helpful, to inform players of what happened before this begins. I thought this was interesting, but I don't really have a clue what's happening.
Not sure what to say. I've been a guildmaster several times on my mortals, and I always reliably promoted novices to GR2. I'll take a double check at how it works.
This is a practice from the Zugg clients in which you would create a trigger that looks something like: ^You begin to silently shadow &ShadowTarget across the land.$ It sets up a variable automatically called ShadowTarget. A…
I got a late start - I decided not to write about Aetolia, since my material would have constituted some pretty huge spoilers, and to be frank, I just wasn't feeling it. I'm making up for my tardiness by pushing 3,000 words a day, until I catch up.<…