I don't honestly know if you can gag a multiline trigger in one go, but to do that you put the first one in the 0 line, then the next one in the 1 line, etcetera. Then you click [multiline / and trigger] and gag from there.
So I switched over from cmud and found myself missing certain functions. Recreated them here for anyone who wants to use them. Works with simple tables like
Well. I'd like to thank a lot of people. Since I've come back everyone's been pretty well awesome. Even when there's been negative RP, I've loved the interactions. And while I do think it is important to thank people specifically, I'd like to leave …
Yeah. I've always done that with Cmud. In the long run it actually speeds up your system. You can have redundant triggers that only fire small snippets of code instead of having to filter through it all. And variables that don't need to get referenc…
You don't have to do that. Should be gathering your info off a gmcp trigger and dumping it into a variable. Then all you have to do is name the gmcp trigger so when you get blackout you just do:
#t- "gmcp_trig"
#class blackout 1
Would be nice if it was intentional, as it allows a syssin some control in regards to what hypnosis actually does. And it's not like its OP, breaking hypnosis isn't exactly difficult (leave the room/keep vision skill up even though I've noted it dro…
Solid is right. So far she's one of the few people Isto has a deep respect for. And probably the only one as of yet Isto sees as a true mentor. Given their interaction, brief though most of it has been, he's come to see her as someone he can rely on…
Really awesome interview. I'm still fleshing out Isto as he is and the interview really pushed to define who he is to himself and for me! So thanks, @Areka!
[spoiler]He is a wise Yeleni who is built slenderly, yet not so as to appear skinny. The tips of his short, messy, blonde hair brush the six-foot-one mark. A strip of hair is missing, however, alon…
Haven frowns in concentration, and a booming voice rings in your head: "Perform force haven perform force isto perform force haven perform force isto perform force haven perform force isto perform force haven perform force isto perform force ha…
Your attention is called to a sudden pain in your arm and realise that you are dragging a curved jade knife down your wrist. As you drop it with mounting horror, it vanishes without a trace.
What Daskalos said. Pretty much the same thing happened to me. The only way to slow them down is to run, really, and regain soul. As Luminary, anyways.
I just went after a bounty, Moirean. Didn't check their might. If they're gonna get bounties they gotta step up, frankly. And in the end I found her a smaller person to fight for the bounty instead of fighting me because of the size difference. Eith…
Rage at how much people claim there's never any 1v1 combat. Yet you can't get 1v1 combat save with people like @Xiuhcoatl. Try and the gank squad comes. It's kind…