So I got a hunting boon token from a cryptic chest, which seems pretty good (200 cr value I think?). My question is, who do I turn the token in to, and what's the syntax?
Also, how do I combine cryptic chest pieces into a cryptic chest? I…
I've been RPing and MUDding for many years. But I haven't been playing Aetolia for very long and have really only seen one small portion of the game so far, so I'm going to answer these questions in a broader, game non-specific sense.
Er, sorry if I caused any offense; I seem to have ruffled a feather or two.
I didn't mean to make anybody feel singled out, I was throwing out some loose and general examples. I'm obviously coming from a very different gaming background,…
I definitely understand and sympathize with a lot of the points being made, but I also think that the removal of tells would necessitate more creativity in how we communicate IC.
People wanting to buy/sell/trade would need to actually mee…
I've had a quick look around and couldn't find any threads that looked more promising than this one, but I see that nobody has posted in here for a while. I hope this is the right place.
--- Winterbreeze Tavern --------- 7:-12:0 --- The saucy presence of Lana is here, swaying from table to table. Brangrin stands here behind the bar, a helpful smile on his face. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is…