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  • I'm split on this discussion. I really appreciate that Duiran and Enorian have been disentangled in terms of themes and motivations. However, I do think that only Duiran has to deal with this issue of skill access - Enorian and Bloodloch are the hom…

  • Thanks to the giveaway by @Rihrin - some new art with Sid's new eyes!
  • My, my, these last few posts have really aged well. :)

    Considering he just had a hand in an accidental apoca…
  • Huge love to both Duiran and Spinesreach. The last week or so has been SUPER awesome.
    in LOVE Comment by Iesid July 2022
  • There's already some hints floating around, if you know where to look.
  • (Quote) What you just described is not a problem with orders, but with the mindset that surrounds orders. Organizations (and their leaders) are responsible for the degree of 'purity tests' that they subject their citizenry to when enforcing their …
  • If any Syssin or Spirean jumps me with Severn aura, I would personally give them a pass. I really don't care that much, so long as they are explicit with me about it and they aren't some incredibly notable representative of another order (and even t…
  • I am not usually a big sharer kind of person, but I'm trying to work on that instead of just doing things on my own and not telling anybody or putting it out into the world. I am in the middle of a little bit of a mental health crisis; this isn't un…
  • People taking simple sportsmanship and commendation of good effort as some kind of insult.

    Sorry that we tried to engender a community that actually pats people on the back for trying.
  • (Quote)
    These types of broad concepts are more of a prompt to build mission statements off of. There's a certain degree of disbelief I suspend when deciding my character's actions: he does not know that Dendara or its state are just an idea…
  • (Quote) I think the problems I am running into, similarly, are all player driven. I sometimes get the feeling that my character is not taken that seriously, despite speaking to the truth that others tell him they want the council to embrace, but t…
  • (Quote) Thank you for the reply, but I especially wanted to dissect this part. It is a bit of a sore point for me, because after thinking on it, I have identified two parts of the problem:

    1. Some people are playing as Enorian's henchme…
  • Just put it in Gaming with a cooldown/cost.
  • I enjoyed the Lexadhra games the most, despite my team having some technical difficulties. The duels were fun - it was especially interesting to play Bard in this scenario, I learned a lot.

    My only complaint would be scheduling; much like…
  • Excellent service to the community. More options - and more places to look for examples, help, etc - can only do good for Aetolia.
  • I have no dog in this race, but maybe this post will reach someone who needs to hear it:
    (Quote) When I was appraised of this situation a few weeks back during the height of the Enorian v Bloodloch slavery stuff, I was told about this and the…
  • Random Bard thoughts for today:

    I wonder what else Weaving can make? Props to perform with, maybe? It would make sense. Also, w/ the arachnid stuff in Djeirani lore, maybe making nets or webs or other hindering? Tripwires/traps? Possibili…
  • Hmm, looks like they were able to do this because you share the Sunder discord with them. I'll look into changing some server settings so harassment like this is less possible.

    EDIT: Until I find a proper way to account for this (un…