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  • I have 2 Tcanna Compendium Pages I'd be willing to sell for the same price of 80 credits per. Send me a PM here.
  • For the Week of:
    Jan 14th to Jan 21st, 2015

    Current Weight (lbs):
    214 (0 change)
    Where I started (lbs):
    Where I want to end up (lbs):
    192 (ultimately 140ish)


    Just 5. That…
  • Officially back to it.

    For the Week of:
    Jan 7th to Jan 14th, 2015

    Current Weight (lbs):

    Where I started (lbs):

    Where I want to end up (lbs):
    192 (ultimately 140ish)

  • I tried both of those. I changed the colour to something else with Config colour and turned it back, plus tried turning the xterm off. Which I had off in any case. Tried both things once again, no difference.

    I fixed it, sort of, by setti…
  • I decided to turn this on since I had no idea it existed. But unfortunately it's weird. Instead of the bright red it shows in config colour it's showing up black on black. So all I see is, You use (a lot of black space) .

    I use cmud and e…
  • Weight lost: 3 pounds (Yeah, I caved and stepped on the scale.)

    Upside: Been having some pretty delicious green smoothies most mornings for breakfast.

    Downside: The little one still has a cough, so sleep can still be pretty err…
  • It's always great to have a plan!
  • Well this week has been pretty great for me besides today. Suffice to say I feel that my brother-in-law and his wife are not willing to include my daughter in normal, three year old child activities(to the best of her ability with help) with their k…
  • Yeah it has been @Nola.

    There are some decent looking healthy breakfast casserole recipes or home made bars. I saw this one recently which I keep meaning t…
  • Weight lost: 2 pounds (Apparently I'm back on track with this again. Woo!)

    Upside: Planned out good meals for the week. I made some super delicious, moist pork chops on saturday and pulled pork in the slow cooker on sunday. I'm also prett…
  • Awesome @Mariena! I've been pondering carving out a little bit of time each day to do something crafty. I used to love it and I picked up crochet while my daughter …
  • Weight lost: 2 pounds

    Upside: I seem to be getting slightly more regular sleep which is having a good effect on my mood at least.

    Downside: I'm having a hard time getting back into the better food routine that I had before goin…
  • Here we go, it's been a while! We had to travel out of town to visit my daughter's pediatrician at the Children's hospital and then we had Thanksgiving as soon as we got back home. So I was rather nervous to step on the scale.

    Weight lost…
  • So as a major annoyance my laptop is out of commision. And unfortunately we did not get much of an answer for my daughter's sleep issue. We are being referred over to a sleep clinic. not sure when we will actually get into it.

    Thank you <…
  • So, I didn't want to post because I feel crappy but I will own up to it. I gained four pounds, ugh, but I know why and I will not repeat it going forward. I've been getting too ambitious, trying to to change too much and failing. I was doing so well…
  • Weight lost: 0 pounds

    Downside of the week: I've noticed since it's getting cooler I'm not drinking as much water so I think I'm going to try making tea in the morning to drink during the day. Sleep is still a major issue b…
  • Believe me, I know it is @Emelle. Unfortunately it isn't something I can control right now, my daughter has special needs and part of it is that she doesn't sleep lo…
  • @Mariena that's a decent idea if I can figure out how to keep hold of my daughter at the same time without my arm falling off. I'll see about getting one and givin…
  • Weight lost: 2 pounds. I feel weird that it's almost always 2 pounds, but it's good.

    Downside of the week: I've been feeling rather out of control of things in my life at the moment in many big ways, it's been very stressfu…
  • (Quote) First of all 4.6 pounds lost, awesome!

    So I wanted to sort of disagree with the people above in that, just because you increase your activity does not mean you need to eat those extra calories. If you're at your healthy goal …
  • (Quote) I have the same problem. But I found the body weight workout from the nerdfitness stuff enjoyable. (Also available to do anywhere without cost considering we travel a fair bit.) And my doctor said walking is just as much benefit as running…
  • I'm so glad to see more people joining us! Woot, I'm so excited even though I feel horrible at the moment. My daughter has been sick for about 4 days, so that means very little sleep for me and this morning I woke up with a sore throat, headache and…
  • I love that I've finally got a comment of 'I can tell you've lost weight!' Really brightened my day. Which I need, since my daughter has a cold and sleep has been pretty much non-existent.

    in LOVE Comment by Ianea September 2014
  • That sucks @Gwenith, I hope you're feeling better soon. It is not fun to be sick like that. So we've been busy this weekend but I thought I would sneak in and post …
  • I have to agree that I feel the endgame races are lackluster. There seemed so much more lore and attachment to the world pre-99 and if I could take Ianea back Kelki or some water-ascended version of that race. I would. Even paying a reasonable amoun…
  • Weight lost: 3 pounds

    Downside of the week: Even though I lost I don't feel like I did as well, with my exercise especially. But it's been an extremely stressful week with a very cranky daughter.

    Upside of the week: Um.. well I…
  • Are there more participation points for the great hunt beyond the first two levels, five and ten credits?
  • There has been a lot of good points here and I'd like to throw in my two cents of what I'd like to see.

    While new to Aetolia I've not been new to IRE before coming here. I've done GM, city leader, order head countless times for long stret…
  • Weight lost: -1 pound

    Downside of the week: Despite going for my 20 minute walk every day, doing three body weight, strength training workouts and sticking to my two 500 cal fast days, I gained weight.

    Upside of the w…
  • Going to be gone for the weekend. Might jump on briefly but that's about it. See you all erm.. probably weds actually. I'll check in on the Cake thread on monday though!
    in Ianea Comment by Ianea August 2014