Straight up shocked at the suggestion that there was anything inflammatory about the post. You have one of the oldest IRE players ringing the alarm bell for you out of sheer concern for the game and it's looking like the knee-jerk response is fluste…
Guess I'm a bit late to this. Wish you all the best on what you're setting out to do. You're one of the best people I know. Without a doubt one of the most memorable personalities from Aetolia for me, RPing with you back in those glory days held a w…
Man, I know some people love bashing, but for the love of me I couldn't imagine a worse way to spend copious amounts of my free time. Watching paint dry is a close alternative, but then at least I could…
Money's not the currency that's preventing me for playing, I'm afraid. But it feels good to know I'm wanted, so thank you!
in Starter Lesson PackagesComment by HadoryuApril 2014
I've very frequently been aware of the subtle nervousness people experience when RPing with me if the scene calls for the characters being at odds with each other. I think everyone remains aware in the back of their mind if they have a significant p…
On the other hand, I find the 'lol ok then' reaction to IC death threats to be kind of immature. It reeks of "OOCly I can't PK, but don't want to admit to people who can having an advantage." I find the flippant attitude toward grevious bodily harm …
Well, this sort of thing has been done a number of times, really.
Then when you start trying to draw conclusions from it, people in the 'affected' class will start raising (quite legitimately) objections to the method, as it's n…
It will seem more tedious to you, but you're better off getting logs and counting the afflictions delivered over time there. This theorycrafting has been done before, but the numbers you get are basically useless, because there are a LOT of factors …
Cougar form is basically useless for damage past mid-game, since you're building AP. The heal might be nice enough, but hardly noteworthy in a team fight.
Spear CAN make a difference, if you're lucky enough to land it as a max r…
I pretty much disagree completely. Nida's only carry-over into late-game is her spear, which CAN be game-changing if you get lucky, but is generally pretty much a crapshoot. She is not a carry of any sort and putting a lot of gold on her instead of …