Before I got divorced a few years ago, my ex and I sat down and divided our possessions. She took the car. I took the cat. Even though she had originally brought the cat in from whatever dumpster he was living in. The cat is my dumpster-homey. And …
Good times to have @Lait come around the North to get all sciencey with a bunch of Cabalists. Kudos for just wandering into that and having fun with it.
@Sarita When I've had to administer cat meds before, I swaddled the little bastard in a blanket and made him into a kitty-burrito. Helps to immobilize 'em if they're…
Assuming one has all one's sensory organs intact, how would it ever be the case that "You find the weather around you imperceptible"? Unremarkable, perhaps, but if you can feel, you can perceive.
@Ishin, they're aftermarket pipes, so the volume's turned up a little bit. Somewhere between a death metal growl and magnitude 6 earthquake? I'll have a better sense …
@Revelen, Did you drive your Illinois-licensed car down to Argentina? Might be warmer than average, but it's definitely not summer here. in Post Your Pictures!Comment by GastoMarch 2016
@asaraii I live close enough to Wisconsin that I could chant "Harley" three times and wave a $10,000 bill in the air and *poof* a bike would be on my doorstep.