To be fair, the announce was vague, and so I took it to mean that there's a bit of a problem across the board with some of these issues. That doesn't mean that every person is the one doing it, it's just that everyone's part added up is the same wh…
Eh Revelen? I only stated that you can't judge people for having mudsex, I understand it happens, but Seir brought it up and I just don't see how it affects gameplay, it's personal and usually kept behind doors. I personally wasn't judging anyone b…
Actually Riluo that's a good point, because I've heard that too. and the people that I believe Seir is referring to generally don't have alts in other cities that they play, although a couple of those people could.
Yikes, and as for mud sex, the few people that are notorious for it, seem to keep it fairly private and it's their free time to do what they like as long as everyone is consenting. It really has no bearing on the game in general unless they are sle…
I'm just going to leave this warning here - this thread is already being watched.
We aren't interested in taking away your right to discuss, but if you start making personal attacks and insinuations you will see it closed very, very…
As an older player than Seir, I can say that I believed that the time we held the Duiran with Tralendar Kurl, Xon, Tirria, A druid who shall remain nameless, Sanosuke, etc etc, we felt like king of the mountain ourselves. Not only were we pretty suc…
I haven't seen the area yet, still so much to discover. I like the thought that went into this grouping of areas, and I like the way that it is presented in the forums. Outside of PC lorekeepers and books, (I seem to recall) aren't there NPCs that y…
This is my feelings about the stupid one sided conflict that after all of these years has STILL not been resolved. You spend ten ash to exterminate and make it clear you are going to do this only when the people that are fixing it are sleeping. You …
I was thinking it would be easier to "solve" the whole acquiring syssin skills without the Syssin compromising their RP. Maybe there can be this rare NPC that is far more random than the apparently anticipated foci sightings. An NPC that is a rogue …