Glad you guys enjoyed it. I might get around to finishing it. I have been wanting to, but I've been WAY to busy to play recently. I might get some time later to get it going. If I do expect it around Xmas.
You've reminded me of a fear. Scorpions. I can do spiders. Hand catch them and what not. Scorpions make me freeze up with fear. Just for a moment, then I can handle the situation.
Also, For spiders in the house, I use an airsoft pistol to…
Personally, I'd rather see the mistake ignored. I don't know why, but it bugs me when I see someone *cough* and re-post an 8 line emote because they managed to type "to" when they needed "too". If you are logging it and plan to post, clean it up as…
personally I'd rather see the mistake ignored. I don't know why, but it bugs me when I see someone *cough* and re-post an 8 line emote. because they managed to type to when they needed too. If you are logging it and plan to post, clean it up as you …
I don't see any problem with Slyphe dropping Eugenides over the joke. In character, It makes sense for A. a god to be able to capture that. B. a god to get angry over that. and C. the offending mortal to die for that.
Well, Areka got it. I'll tinker with the design and what not till it's a bit more where I want it. Toss me a msg with the char name you want your credits.
Also Kendri I might use a line or two from yours, Toss me a message as well, and I'…
I'll have you know this was followed with about fifteen minutes of cow based puns and someone being called Bessie. If you ask me it's rare to find puns that well done.
As promised, The long awaited Prequel, Where did these people come from? Does one of them have a secret past? Where did the beautiful and amazing Senator Eugenides go? all these questions and more shall be answered in.
Yeah, that event was one of my more enjoyable experiences here. I managed to have a great deal of fun even though I was stuck running the raffle. If can get away from real life stuff for a moment, I'll play some of the games tonight.