All of the hugs and love for both of you. I can't imagine the heartbreak you're going through, but if either of you need someone to talk to--whether about this or just as a distraction, feel free to poke at me.
I hate that depression is such a vicious cycle. I hate that my mental state is affected by so many variables it's damn near impossible to predict or stabilize. The meds I'm on stabilize it most of the time, but almost literally anything--fluctuation…
@Leana I ask this question: If the Admin stated that half-breeds are canon, but they had to follow certain guidelines to not be outrageous, would the majority of the …
@Vyxsis re: afaik, people who take "the short straw" do and have existed, but more relevantly... fire-breathing humans and the like already exist mechanically it's n…
Though. Tbh, even if they do write hard-canon. It's not going to completely stop the shenanigans. They said you can't be a wolf-type werewolf, only a werewolf type werewolf -ages- ago, and half the game still RPs werewolf in a Lupus-esque form rathe…
I always had the impression the stance on no halfbreeds was to limit non-canon things like the number of catgirls and fire-breathing humans (apart from endgame shenanigans) running around.
IMO it probably got awesome tagged a lot, because…
After a decade of wandering, I've finally settled somewhere. I've lived in the same apartment for a full year--my own, even, which I've never done before, and I've been in Vegas for three years come February. It had started to feel like home. I have…
Having a haven is a big part of the reason I've dragged 20 out of 22 alts to endgame.
I'm with Toz. They don't need to be nuked, just make it a tether instead of a shell and nix the 'it's headspace' nonsense that makes no sense and go ba…
Was in a good mood all day. Latent anxiety levels between 1 and 3. Went to work, made a bunch of members happy, got told half a dozen times that I was an absolute joy to talk to and helped them so much. Was content, mostly happy even, all the way up…
Yeah. Agreed, re: nitpicky. YOU still vanish, even if there's still a shell left behind. 18/20 of mine say something in that vein. And the other two are the default messages which says something similar. Unfortunately, can't argue with haven reject…
There were lay-offs at my job yesterday. Was my scheduled off-day. They're not running it on stats which is what usually saves me. I'm not quite freaking out about the fact that I could lose the job. I'll be eligible for unemployment to help me get …
My step-dad is in the hospital with congestive heart failure stage one and kidney failure. They’re not sure why the kidney failure yet, but they think it’s causing the CHF. He’s having REALLY high blood pressure because of everything. They’re going …
Frankly, no one I actually RP with has a problem with the way my descs are written. So changing it to suit the one or two people who don't want to read it that I don't RP with anyway, isn't something I'm inclined to do.
Re: Heritage abilities. Could just give endgame one free heritage ability per their race and make the rest available for purchase as five haven point abilities? We need more things to do with haven points anyway.
I've discovered I'm actually better in physical medium than digital--but it makes me sad because it's harder to share with y'all. Need to practice more in digital, I guess.
Update: I bought raspberries to celebrate having a little bit of breathing room, money-wise. It really is the little things. Also stocked up on pasta and ramen for times when it's not so easy to breathe.
Love that I fucked up my math. Usually this works against me, but this time, I thought I'd be running out of meds today--4 days before the doctor can see me. Annnnnd I don't, I have six more days, so I'll even have a couple days of backup in case th…
Found this file while searching for a specific description. Is pre-endgame Taelyndara and her cat Lyrana, done by the awesome and amazing @Nola I've had it for a… word on the front door thing. No one's said anything to me about using it or any of the people I know who use it. So...maybe the stupid vanished into the wind? Or maybe it just mutated into stupider stupid. -.-