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New Zealand
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  • I am understanding you just fine. All areas you showed are a part of the Pachacacha, which runs through several different areas, yet still counts as the Pachacacha hole, which is intended; it's the same body of water... Hence wording it how I did.
    in Fishing Comment by Elyni August 2016
  • Fishing holes are tied to an area, not a room. Pachacacha River/Valley (I think) are classed as one area.

    It sucks given how big Rivers / Lakes / Oceans, but that's how it is. It's the same with Libec Cay where both 'holes' are split up e…
    in Fishing Comment by Elyni August 2016
  • Triptycha is more comparable to Triple Triad since that's the one with numbers on the sides; tetra master is just the arrows.
  • I got mine for like 1100 gold ._.
  • I added some stuff! The first thing was already in originally, I just forgot to say how to use it.
    whois (person) shows information on people.

    Cwho a…
  • (Quote) Introducing: The quoll.

    in LOVE Comment by Elyni August 2016
  • ..TIL trans vision isn't needed! Woop woop.
  • Yep, I know! I'd also need my class skills to be able to reliably test it. I just don't have the money to spend anymore; discernment alone is ~200cr (still have conversion bonus), which for me works out to about ~$120. Not the kinda money I'm willin…
  • I just have a mouse with extra buttons... Left (side) mouse button goes back, right goes forward >.>
  • I'd probably be willing to do it, if I had the money to be able to get all the skills I'd need (No way I'm doing it, when I can't benefit from using the system myself :P )
  • (Quote) Colour me confused or what have you, but I don't see why an indicator is necessary for this; the game is pretty much already like this, except without an indicator explicitly saying that. How would you even reasonably mark so…
    in AFK Comment by Elyni August 2016
  • Wasn't source rewritten from the ground up? It has seemed okay to read, in the time I've been studying it. Though it does still use the 'hooks' method for doing stuff, which isn't overly bothersome to deal with, but can still be annoying.
  • I got an even better idea... Let's just make havens remove you from QWHO/CWHO/GWHO by default, like Lusternia manses do. (without needing to pay haven points to do it). For all else, just deal with the fact some people have to AFK/AFGame from time t…
    in AFK Comment by Elyni August 2016
  • Yes. The system I've been working on since I've been dabbling in a new char on the side of playing other things, follows a very distinct theme for me. It's split into two 'unique' systems, that work together.
    [Hellion] - …
  • Change the width/height percentages of whichever things you want to decrease the size of. Font etc all scales down automatically.

  • in WoW Comment by Elyni January 2015
  • CPU - Intel i7–4860HQ Quad Core – 3.6GHz
    GFX - NVidia GeForce GTX 980m 4GB Dedicated
    HDD - 256GB M.2 SSD (for os/other important apps)
    - 2TB HDD for everything else
    RAM - 16GB of RAM
    (G.SKILL Ripjaws…
  • So... Why the hell is this even a thing?

    Note, the monk was a Brewmaster, not a Mistweaver.....

    in WoW Comment by Elyni December 2014
  • Just had this happen today, still refuse to believe it happened.
    (Our warlock dc'd the minute gates opened)

    in WoW Comment by Elyni December 2014
  • It uses line capture, as well as GMCP to decide on what tab it should be sent to... I got all the lines from a post Daskalos made, so it might be missing one or two of the lesser known ones, as Ishin said. Feel free to use the EBUG command to send i…
  • Custom built one, which we put together for computer project. Get to keep it if we pass our exams :P
  • Good way to ruin your eyes. But to each their own, I suppose.

    Personally- my laptop is not only faster than a /lot/ of computers nowadays, but was also cheaper, and portable. So I'm fine with the 17.5" screen.
  • And done! - You all should be good to update, now.

    - Login issue with the new rapture upgrade.
    - Standing issues with GMCP (I think, from my testing with it)

    - Dramatically altered the GUI, as…
  • Sorry for slowness on things, for those who I promised an update for... Home now, but tired as all hell. Have the GUI finished, just need to touch up a few triggers and such. I'll have it all updated tomorrow.
  • Couldn't say, honestly. There's virtually no reason it should be doing that, if it's all been loaded correctly. I can't really help with fixing the code either, as I've long since dumped that... My getting home's been delayed for now, so I can't fin…
  • Nope. Never had the money to get one.
  • Standing is handled solely through GMCP (it has trigger lines for it, but it's mostly off GMCP, lines are just for extra verification) - I can't access Aetolia right now to see any of it, as I'm not at home for awhile.
  • Not sure. Might be that it's not recognising you've attacked. Prolly an issue with the new Carnifex changes (which should've been fixed in the most recent update...) - Not really in a position where I can look fully into it right now, unfortunately,…
  • Better to just use this, rather than expandAlias() (Quote) I use my own separate basher, completely unrelated to Entropy for my bashing, and that's the function I use for sending the attack. (No I won't give out my basher)