and how many people harvest inks? kind of silly it takes 6 points, a level and half of bashing just for 2 inks per rock... and does it really matter if ink prices plummet?
Since teradrim can no longer harvest rocks/crush rocks for inks and its all down to the racial skill.. Can the racial skill change from 2/3 inks per rock to something like 4/5 .. Since inks are needed throughout reanimation plus tattoos...
Yea I wasn't sure as to where to post it, I was just like after the RP behind the merge since everyone I've spoken to have no clue about it til it just happened... Sorry for posting it in the wrong place...
I know it is, but I really don't see the RP behind it.. and with the people I've spoke to, or heard speaking to about it. have the same conclusion. what RP cause was behind deleting an original house to merge with another which …
yeah that's why I made this post to try get some RP behind it.. since if it was Vekahi house going into Voltaire no one would care, but an original house being lost...
also, for what someone Just mentioned Icly.. its been going through f…
[quote]Edit: The reason I dislike super large teamfights in general is because
there's no real skill behind it, when Aetolia is allegedly renowned for
its complex combat system. Right now, it's who can spam the most single
target D…