Eliadon only sees bodies where ash should be. He makes it so. If you can't handle the ELEMENTAL FURY then you will be proven unworthy. Or something... *shrug*
Have to update my affirmation for non-comedic effect: Very good writing style, can be short and sweet or altogether descriptive in a unique way. You've gone along with my shenanigans(Don't pistol whip me) and is a really good sport in general!
I do everything blind though I normally just check with people if certain things are OK to do. That's really the only 'planned' type of thing I get into.
@Demarcus Answer to your first: It's in the zip file. Answer to your second: It's in the steps. Step Five, I believe. Answer to your third: UNWIELD LEFT;UNWIELD RI…
No amount of other people's opinions will deter me from watching a show. I'll decide if I like it. :< That said, I liked Iron Fist and that's probably because I'm a filthy, worthless Marvel fanboy.
HI THERE! Sibatti is and has always been a good part of Drestyn's draw for me. His parents are what make him who he is and I'm glad that both are excellent at what they do and how they tell their stories. You do well playing the caring yet stern mot…
Daddy dearest. A good part of why I still play Drestyn and have stuck with him since his inception. I've no negative things to say other than WHY DID YOU ABANDON ME. That said, you're a great guy to RP at/with and have brought depth to my character …
Mate, you need to take a big step back and consider what you're saying to others. You're doing what you're accusing them of. Now, I haven't extensively RP'd at you because my character doesn't tend to branch out to people and I won't assume to know …