@Asaraii catch Carp all over Europe in fresh water. I'm guessing they're stocked in lakes in the US too. Also took me 3 nights to catch that one fish, so be prepare…
I understand what you're saying, but the aura was implemented for a reason. When the landmark system was running, folks would chase and grief people for long periods of time after they had left the landmarking room. The aura system prevent people fr…
Seriously coming from a class with passive shield break, ability to do 2k damage plus omen 3.5k, passive indifference, passive curing, unstoppable insta and a insta that works like old judge with healing rite. Really?
@Daskalos yeah i fight Kheoss and he can shield for 6 rounds no problem and cure up. I attempt to shield, i get hit by the passive shield breaker. TBH i don't see …
I agree, it's kind of pointless using the hammer tatt unless they're in annihilation range. When there are classes with passive shield breaks, i don't see why berserking was removed from Bloodborn's mentis.
@Seir so i guess lifers getting lightform/rebirth was all part of the RP logic and not due to lifers whining that darkies had it and they didn't? Oh the vengence …
Seirously man, i think you've had one too many cans of Guiness tonight. The point is we don't have any skill that is similar to firebomb, to do the same to a large group of lifers. It's a one sided affair in that sense.