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  • @Veovis If I go Bloodborn it is strickly for combat. I know they aren't great for hunting.

    in Hunting Class Comment by Demion February 2014
  • So I went and reset my enhancements as you suggested @Ezalor as well as got an artie shield and lvl3 hunting jar for Teradrim.

    Also got red orb and blue o…
  • So I joined House D'baen and for some reason it isn't showing house tells.

    I went and did the (House D'baen): trigger and for some reason it just adds a blank line in the main window and chat window as if it is gagged.

    Was won…
  • Thanks Toz. Appreciate the insight. I love the audit on Teradrim and just found out about using fend with vigilance so it is getting a hit easier...think I will take your advice and work on Arties...anyone know if they are going to have any for Tera…
  • I will get Carnifex as soon as I can. Right now I have Teradrim and Nightstalker. I wad thinking of going bloodborn for combat but might take Prae for hunting and just focus on gold and credits to get arties...thanks for the advice.
  • I don't really want to get rid of Demion but he is to far gone to do anything with...so figured a fresh start would be best. A chance to make a decent character and learn from the mistakes I had made with Demion.
  • Okay re-posting here since wasn't aware of this thread til someone told me about it...

    So working on an AI offense for Teradrim in Tripwire...got it to basically attack but having issues with the parry tracking. I'm trying to ge…
  • It seems like with the way combat is going it is following Imperian and becoming more group based...it isn't that hard to get afflictions stuck yet but with AI's and what not developing...I don't see it slowing down but rather speeding up instead.
  • After reading your responses... I see why Aetolia has gone so far down hill. If not for the money invested I would seriously walk away.
  • If this is an April Fools joke then IRE needs to get some brains. These classes would bring life back into the game and probably bring a lot of old time players back as well as new. Instead it is probably just a joke and they are to stupid to realiz…