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Black Flagon Inn
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  • (Quote) This. So much this. I love(d?) playing Fallout 76. And then when Season 4 started, logging in for dailies felt like a damn chore. A soul sucking chore. And I said to myself, "Self, this is stupid. Don't do this anymore " So I don't. I…
  • So we should not expect to be able to obtain stone via mining? 
  • Convenient that this magical way to potentially reduce the number of items in the game magically appeared! I'm definitely excited for them. 
  • (Quote) Tiur, you know I provide honest and calculated feedback on promotions. This one is an awful lot to crunch and it's overall great simply because it's different and offers a lot of choices. 2300 on a Memorial Day after collecting nearly…
  • So, if I understand this, some sort of in game events which involve chaos or perhaps specifically Khepri... The spectre of Khepri? I don't know... At any rate, introduced Krazy Kontamination into Tiur's producer notes and we have this word soup of a…
  • I second Konnorn's sentiment - I'd trade every single dupe minipet I had if I could just find the tokens. Gating a solution behind a paywall seems... Suboptimal. 

    I appreciate the response and transparency, Tiur. 
  • Oh boy, there is a lot to unpack here.

    I jumped onto the Discord to ask some questions and Keroc was kind enough to engage in helpful dialogue which improved my understanding of why the change was made. So that's good. 

    I gener…
  • Well, I'm not a fan of choices without consequences. Call me old fashioned. Everyone plays for their own reasons, views their credit purchases and/or play time in very different ways, and that's about that I suppose. Whether someone changes tethers …
  • I don't know, it seems to me that hopping tethers ought to be punishing. I would disagree with outright losing lessons because it makes no sense that you'd magically forget everything. But your artifacts? If I'm a carpenter and then decide I'm going…
  • Not looking to smack a hornets nest with my shoe and then be unable to run away because I opted to take my damn shoe off, but...

    What the hell, people!? My employer, a hospital, worked very carefully to figure out the schedule of who to v…
  • Why is it usable in combat? Or under the influence of the ylem aura? Seems kinda strong.
  • Adorable baby pictures, anyone? This little one plus residency has been keeping me on my toes lately. She'll be one in June. 
  • I apparently need some learning, could someone kindly indicate what makes these antiquated things so great? I don't use a mount, so I have no frame of reference for the riding crop. The goggles seem kinda cool, but nothing game changing. The gauntle…
  • Moving sucks. Yay for reasons as to why we have to move, but wowee... Packing and cleaning and fixing and hiring people to paint and do floors and blah blah blah. We've done a pretty good job of getting rid of stuff so I don't have to move it. Broke…
  • Match Day was yesterday. My colleagues held a Match Ceremony for me (Half-ish of them are med students or soon-to-be med students, so it's considered customary for them I guess?) which was pretty sweet. Results even came early so I had my wife open …
    in LOVE Comment by Demarcus March 2018
  • The waiting for Match Day is agonizing. The #FirstWorldProblems are real, yo. Woke up last night at 0020, then had to parent when my pre-schooler followed me out of the bedroom coughing uncontrollably like a seal. Run the shower on hot to get some s…
  • I finally just gave up and submitted my manuscript to a journal for peer review. It got kicked back an hour afterwards because my abstract didn't include very specific titles that I interpreted the instructions to mean "Include this information." ra…
  • Interview season is officially in the books.

    I applied to all of 10 residencies, an had offers for 7 in person interviews and an additional phone interview that did not materialize into an on-site interview. Which is fine, because I don't…
    in LOVE Comment by Demarcus March 2018
  • I've been hearing back from residencies I applied to about interviews. I'm up to 5. Seattle, Albuquerque, Rochester NY, Atlanta, and Cleveland. Cleveland Clinic is by far the most surprising. Because... Cleveland Clinic.

    Boston Children'…
    in LOVE Comment by Demarcus January 2018
  • (Quote) :-)

    Dem Drill Sergeants, eh?

    Also, Templars can have the DRILL skill too. Seems legit.
  • Totally late to the party, but having the Carnifex be able to do military drill actions. Recruits standing in formation, dressing down, etc.


    Toz bellows loudly, "Dress right, DRESS!"

    Recruit 1 lifts their ri…
  • @Sigmund Even if I don't play much anymore, I have this sense/feeling/knowing that deep down the peeps of Aetolia have got my back.

    Exam is done, crisis …
    in LOVE Comment by Demarcus August 2017
  • @Rijetta Man, I miss Residential Life. At the same time I don't. I had one amazing RD, and one awful RD. The awful one asked me to resign. I told her to fly a kite …
  • Echoing Vash's compliments...

    1) I know how to obtain a minipet for approximately 5k* gold. So they're accessible if you know where to go/how to get them. For a truly new player, this is probably not the easiest thing in the world, but th…
  • Wasn't this what the Volcano was supposed to be? Like, way back when? Group together for fantastical experience!

    Or just solo stuff and win better.

    But, either way, I like cooperation.
  • Since I missed it the first time around and nothing says, "CLOSED!"...

    1) Air ships. I want a zepplin. We already have at least 1 air beast, so we could zip on up there in a zepplin and hunt more air beasts for commodities or something. A…
  • Sounds like fun. Sign me up! Not that I had a choice to begin with...
  • Thank you sir for all of your hard work on this. As someone returning going, "Wow this web client is unwieldy, unuseful, and has a tendancy to make it so my space bar turns into an attack and I have no idea of knowing when it'll do that and if I acc…
  • I'm guessing the Wayfayer class is not joinable by newbies during character creation? But outside of that there isn't a level requirement or anything, just go get it? (There is that 40 cr fee, of course...)
  • For those that are interested... the W4X A Final takes place tomorrow (Thursday, August 10th) at approximately 1020 CST. So 1120 for you East Coasters and 0820 for the West Coasters. Crazy race conditions have caused cancellations of events twice no…