Is not there a skill Provisioning or something. Perhaps that can be pushed a bit better to facilitate mining and farming. If not even a lvl 1 production facility in Esterport would be good. They need to get gold as well.
Is class mastery still needed to join guilds? If so, perhaps the removal of that could be a decent option. I really do not see a reason to keep a player from a guild with the majority of neutral classes.
Shadow rot coming = Enorian "We made defense of sprit energy amd have tried away at a forge crafting a weapon" Duiran "We have given to the Rhythm and are strengthened with mystic totems" Bloodloch: "We shall empower our slaves and cr…
One: A town hall with the Dominion and Ict. This way some rules and ideas can be tossed around. Lay some groundwork for the Dominion as a whole to move on from this.