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  • Also, while training is necessarily to utilize most skills in Aetolia, many of them do, indeed, have external sources - Necromancy uses essence, which you either passively or actively absorb from other sources. Deathlore uses the souls of the dead. …
  • We try not to make a specific statement on how skills affect people, or sway them toward 'good' and 'evil'. There's the certain, inescapable objective facts of some skills - i.e. Shapeshifting pulls you toward madness, Deathlore pulls souls out of t…
  • Yep - all of the cities in Aetolia constitute city-states. This includes not only the four currently extant player cities, but - as examples - Delos, Delve, Moghedu, and Nazedha.
  • You play a good character, and your hard work, dedication, and creativity do not go unappreciated. Thank you for being such a great order member.
    in Maite Comment by Damariel August 2014
  • Yeah, a week at least. I'll offer to run, but if someone else wants to they get precedence since I ran this one.
  • Given the choice between playing every instrument in the world and speaking every language in the world, which would you pick?
  • The game abruptly switches to black and white.

    Serrice, the Fencer, draws her rapier as the town corners Slyphe. He pulls a gun and attempts to take Piper hostage, but she drags her sandal down his shin and bites his arm, leaping clear befo…

  • It has been done.
  • That would work!
  • ...what was I thinking.

    Okay, you're completely right and I messed up that night round. I'm really sorry about that. It was a long day and I wasn't thinking. We can have a do-over if you want.
  • (Quote) Not to be callous, but it wouldn't have mattered. You were the target, and you can't protect yourself. Your decision had no impact on the resolution of the night round.
  • Yep. Piper speaks truth. She is the Innocent. She is beyond all doubt and all reproach.
  • The polizzia report an explosion at il carcere, and the subsequent escape of most of the prisoners. It seems that during the attack, la carceriera was killed. Initial reports identify her as...


  • (Quote) "I accept my death with dignity," Gwenith explains, "But you're making a-- HURK!"

    There's not much dignity, as it happens, in swinging from a lamppost. However, Gwenith still manages to look very glamorous doing it.

  • The sun rises, and the townspeople creep forward, with trepidation, toward the body swinging limply to and fro in the breeze. They should be used to death at this point, but in honesty, the dread never quite fades; you never quite know who the Ma…
  • That's my bad. I just got caught up doing stuff. I'll deal with it in a second.
  • Forgetting to use the right command to write a news post as an NPC and subsequently making said news post look ridiculous.
  • @Serrice: Yes, yes, and yes. This goes for Reanimation cures, too. Disabilities of the kind you describe would still be a thing, albeit in more remote parts of the …
  • That depends. My ruling would be that at that point, both sides lose unless the last Mafia kills the Fencer. Yes, they both die, but they have both met their win conditions.

  • (Quote) Parker makes a break for the countryside, but it's the work of moments to corner her, drag her to the nearest streetlamp, and do what needs to be done. Ask not for whom the bell tolls, after all. By the time her broken body is swinging,…