I absolutely love Vyxsis, as a character. Well-rounded, from the RP we have had. (There was a reason Cardie wanted three questions before that duel lol)
@Atarah is a pleasure to be around, one of Cardie's best friends, and someone he confides in. I appreciate the RP, and the talks we've had, yo. You're one of the be…
Where Cardie has only had a few experiences with Miha, I can say that I am fully impressed with your ability to play body language. It makes it a bit hard to understand, especially if you don't -know- Mihaketi, and in which case, I/Cardie do not. Bu…
I'll get right on correcting my RP to suit everyone's sensibilities.
Went from Affirmation to creativity roasting. Isn't that what you all are no supposed to be doing? What went so wrong in your days that you feel the need to attack …
That is something that has also been developing, slowly. There -was- a point when his wacky was something that was important, and through RP, he has tried to become a bit more serious.
I like to go to random places people pass through, often, and hit a pose of something ridiculous. Once, the pose was Cardie standing on his head with his tongue lolling from his mouth, as he concentrated on balance. It instigated close to …
@Oisynne Love, love, love, love it. Keep it up, lady. She's barely containing her enthusiasm, and it is absolutely -hilarious- to behold. And the depth h…
Which script is it, or where is the location, where I can change the map box and chat box to not overlap at the bottom of the chatbox, top of the map? Seems the map tries to expand OVER the barriers created, just trying to clean it up, otherwise so…
2 . Gwenith: "Bribing a Syssin to apprentice me in Syssin skills." 3 . Rashar: "If you don't hush it up, I'm going to whack you." 4 . Aldric: "Shimmering seed, two pairs of golden legs, and a golden headless torso for sale."
I'm down, and really, my birthday is on the 6th, so I could just hold off celebration and we could get drunk from opposite sides of the road, with less than enthusiastic waves!!
We might even smile at each other!! Heavens t'Betsy!