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  • This is probably not so great, mechanically, but when I played an imp, I always thought it'd be humorous if certain things were harder on account of the size difference. Clothes would have to be altered, sitting on big-people-sized chairs would take…
  • I'm not sure how to describe Camille' s view of Rijetta without sounding obsequious, but "admiration bordering on awe" is very close to how Camille feels towards her. Yet Rijetta is as acerbic as she is regal and has really wrenched Camille's feelin…
  • Though our interactions have been brief and relatively passing, I've found Aloli to be believable and consistent; I'm definitely looking forward to the next time we cross paths in 'Loch! Good characterization comes not necessarily from big, hours-lo…
    in Aloli Comment by Camille September 2017

  • Rhyot over here like the red person
  • Rather than making my own thread, I'll bump this one, since I'm in the same boat (just change the number to 150 instead)!

    Send a message here or in game!
  • Camille Bahir'an

    DISCLAIMER: I haven't really played since like 2012, so expect swaths or ignorance either from things that have been introduced/c…
  • Hoo boy. I may be back again again. I'm having some good fun this time around, thanks mostly to the lesson windfall from the Reanimation/Concoctions changes allowing me to make some character progress with Camille...

    ...but als…
  • Oops, making my own class...
    I'd go with the carnifex axe skill whose name I forgot, sanguis and corpus. I want vampire knights!
  • (Quote) I guess Camille would join up with the...hmm...I can't really think of a guild that suits his personality. While I hadn't intended for him to be undead, I find out hard to picture him anywhere else. He might join the Daru to try to streng…
  • Also make sure to use it on a flat surface and not to obstruct the vents. Blasting them with canned air can be good too.
  • I think that's the point, though, is that you save them for later.
  • Playing Final Fantasy V for the first time in ages. O be still, my nostalgic heart!
    in LOVE Comment by Camille December 2012
  • Let me just go and harvest my credit garden and I'll be right over!  :p

    Mild rage (though I see the necessi…
  • Though that's unfortunate, you sound like you have a really cool job; what is it that you do exactly?
  • I putter around Bloodloch looking for people to throw emotes at hoping to find RP, and only come across the West Gate Statue Garden and no one else.

    Where have all the Lochians gone? I can't bash endlessly!

  • In my experience the general view of Lusternia across the IREs IS that it's Care Bear Land.

    It isn't, mind, that just seems to be the consensus for some reason.
  • I was gonna make that joke...
    in LOVE Comment by Camille December 2012
  • To clarify, it's not that I think nature orgs themselves are stupid; I've just seen enough hilariously stupid flora and fauna that I'd be reminded of it anytime I tried to think of it seriously, i.e. during a ritual such as this.
  • Oh, no! How are you ever going to go bankrupt now?

    I'm butthurt about my butt hurting because I've been sitting in my chair weird. Life is so hard.

  • I came into this thread and read the very last post and only the very last post now everyone listen to me.

    I think a way to solve the ratio of Gods to players would be to have organizations that are tied to several divines and have…
  • I like Daingean's take on the subject and can see where he's coming from. The Syssin might not be directly drawing on Severn's power, but the skills were originally taught by Severn, which doesn't sit right with our friend Dain here.

  • (Quote) I think that you can judge that depending on how they react when you spam greets at 'em too.
  • I was a bit hesitant at first since I'm so used to invision forums, but I guess I'm finally sold on these. Invision ones do a lot of weird and unnecessary things; nice to see that these seem more slimmed down.

  • You mean we don't anymore? I came here a long time ago, from the VGCats ad. I think that was in 2006 or so....coincidentally, about the same time that webcomic last updated.
  • Maya? I scoff at you from atop my Blender throne.

    ...Not that I've touched it in ages.
    in LOVE Comment by Camille December 2012
  • Hooray! I always liked reading through those even if I didn't have an account there.
  • I'm jealous of your ability to make such a realistic character. I try to give Camille little tics and habits but they always seem forced, with inconsistent timing and frequency. Zun feels like an actual person from the one time that Camille kind of …
    in Zun Comment by Camille December 2012
  • That time Camille met her in the Great Rock? It was actually me roleplaying something I don't get to do very often: Camille trying to lure a mortal away to feed on them. Of course, as shy as Camille is, this often doesn't go well, but I'm glad that …
    in Dasha Comment by Camille December 2012
  • I was able to get my bass guitar out of storage today. I've missed you, baby.
    in LOVE Comment by Camille December 2012