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  • We're behind by 6 votes, and quickly coming up on the end of the month.

    You know what we're gonna do here people? We're gonna vote until we win. We're going to win so hard we'll be tired of winning. You know why? Our MUD's got the best pl…
  • Only 5 behind now!
  • Ahhh so cute, I wanna jump in on this fun! ...Though my little buddy hasn't really grown a whole lot.

    When I got him at 12 weeks old in June:

    in Post Your Pictures! Comment by Buford March 2017
  • 'A Tenor' first rings through her mind, despite the hanging evidence to suggest otherwise, her thumbs skimming across the mottled flesh of each cheek with a tender pull as her eyes struggle not to blink, trying in vain to refuse the welling tears…
  • We're leading now 557 to 555, but it's getting too close! The competition is humming with energy!
  • Not getting a good vibe from this:

    Beating Achaea would bring us more pleasure than a vibr- ...


    Uh. Vote!
  • This has been giving me Omei vibes lately when I listen to it. Lyrics definitely draw some parallels, and the vibe is juuust right in a sort of sinister yet upbeat sort of crazy way.

    EDIT: Song starts at like 35 seconds in. NSFW language/…
  • Wildly inappropriate comments were removed - there's a difference between critique and attack. What was offered may seem harsh, but it wasn't phrased in any way that was inappropriate or overtly aggressive. Your responses, on the other hand, were th…
  • Double post, but it's becoming increasingly obvious you all love the puns. We're beating Achaea. When's the last time any of you remember that?

    Keep 'em coming in Voting for Aetolia Comment by Buford March 2017
  • Conducting a poll!

    Enjoying @Oleis' constant puns about vibrations over the past few days that will likely be continuing indefinitely because he just can't…
  • That was magical. Man I wish I could art.

    Just out of curiosity, how much time was condensed there into those ~7 minutes? Curious how long these actually take.
  • These guys were at the show last night, up and coming band for sure. I'm now obsessed. This song has been stuck in my head since, and probably will be for a while. Bluesy and soulful, and with a guitar riff that's just disgustingly catchy.

  • (Quote) Loved them for a while, but first time seeing them was 6 months ago with Breaking Ben in a much bigger venue. They put on an absolutely amazing show every time, I'd highly suggest trying to make a show if they're ever around you!
  • So life's been crazy lately, and I got a teeeeny tiny escape tonight via a concert. Been 6 months since my last one, so it was overdue. I've posted in the good songs thread about Starset, one of my favorite bands. They're all space themed and have a…
  • Not requesting art here, but wanted to say that it's super awesome that you're doing this level of quality work for free when many of our artists (quite successfully, and nothing whatsoever against them for it, I would too if I could) would sell a s…