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  • I tend to use refill empty with health/mana rather than emptyvial.

    Rather than light pipe # just light pipes, lights all of them at once!

    If you use Cmud maybe other clients you can use your numpad to do directions, IE, 8 for …
  • Ahahaha that was awesome @Xenia.
  • Yoga lets you be awesome and leads to all types of benefits, such as the ability to stretch

  • It's like @Ezrax said, it just stops in room phasing and other skills of that nature.
  • @Alexina don't listen to one guy raging at you, you came and helped and when you thought the odds were in our favor, and they were til we all ended up getting pulle…
  • It was the Toad, blame @Illidan for having a giant sapphire Toad of breaking things.
  • Engage.. Why are they able to stun and aff and just keep it putting up again and again and again..
  • Same @Moirean, when in groups I don't want to look bad or mess up the current RP so I try not to do any but then I step up and try and to do something.
  • It's four in the afternoon.. And one hundred and ten degrees. I can't get it below 85 in my house because it is so hot. I know I live in a place that is almost always hot but this is ridiculous!
  • Good job @Xenia!
    in Xenia Comment by Barda June 2013
  • The Last of Us. This game is awesome. The multiplayer is also fantastic, also helps I am ranked in the top 1% of the world in multiplayer which makes me feel like I either am really good at the game or have far to much free time.
    in LOVE Comment by Barda June 2013
  • I love the Carnifex, the people have made it so fun and inviting even with the quite.. Brutal RP I have had with the guild. The combat is a little.. Bleh right now but I am sure it will get better. As far as the people though in The Carnifex Guild Comment by Barda June 2013
  • A boxer puppy, not older than a year wandered into my back yard yesterday. He is half starving and scared to all hell of anyone but me, probably because I gave him some hot dogs and whatever other random things I had around the house. He is now a ve…
  • @Lin looks like one of the versions of Dr. Who to me.
  • Wasn't trying to leave my wifi has been crap lately and can barely stay in unless I actually hard wire. Sorry bout that.
  • I don't think Hammer throw should be a universal skill.. I think some classes should keep their skills rather than just throwing them to everybody.
    in Artifact ideas Comment by Barda May 2013
  • I had a major headache, went to sleep woke up to the sound of Thunder. Now my headache is gone and it's raining and thundering and man I love the smell of rain.
    in LOVE Comment by Barda May 2013
  • You sig matches that picture perfectly @Rivas
  • H:3226 M:4630 [csdb|e-]
    You bleed 378 health.
    clot 10
    Health Lost: 378
    A crazed Nazetu cutter skillfully plucks a specialized blade from her waist and, with short, elegant gestures, looses blood from your…
    in Owned Part II Comment by Barda May 2013
  • Just love Moi, that is all that is allowed here.

    My love goes to most of the citizens of Spinesreach. So far I have interacted with a number of them or at least talked to and they seem pretty chill. They aren't over zealous one …
    in LOVE Comment by Barda May 2013
  • Making you read that many books, I understand it's a text game it's all reading but that seems quite excessive. 

    My own rage, taking a break from Call of Duty for a few months then going back and being terrible at it.
  • image

    you mean meee?

    in LOVE Comment by Barda May 2013
  • Have you been to the bath house in Spines, I say NC-17 at the least.
  • Rage at having spent/lost my gold at blackjack the day before the auction started. And that I can't take my own posts serious with this sig because I find it hilarious every time.
  • Moi is flipping awesome. In all interactions she has been great. Both IC and OOC very helpful even when I had some bad situations IC she was worried about me not enjoying the time I was having and didn't want to see me scared off. Probably the most …
    in Moirean Comment by Barda May 2013
  • https://vimeo.com/65102146
    in YouTube Comment by Barda May 2013
  • Somebody has a nice newer car.
  • I read through most things about the soul sacrifice stuff, and I can say I have used it very few times, not during lessers but for testing myself. It does increase damage pretty good, but it isn't a viable option considering the backdraft to it. Hav…
  • Weaponry affects damage as well I am pretty sure, at least it does with Carnifex from what I remember being told. But with Carnifex it is savagery or weaponry not both.
  • ********************************[ Resistances ]********************************
    Type           Defences     Miniskills   Armour       A. Total     